Andy Visits the School Nurse

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Stephanie looked around her domain, as she referred to her office cum sick-room at Wellborough School. All was spick and span and just as she liked it — First Aid kit in its cabinet, medicines and pills locked away in cupboards and her disciplinary items safely out of sight in a drawer of her desk. Not that there had been much call for them recently, she reflected. On a whim she pulled out the leather paddle — her favourite implement — and thwacked it against her palm. Yes, it was about time she had another bare bottom over her knee to deal with, or else Nick was going to have to bear the brunt of her frustration. But he had visited her at home for a lunchtime massage session — plus “optional” discipline — only a couple of weeks ago, so she had better give it a bit more time before the next session. No point overdoing it, it would lose its sparkle if they engaged in their favourite bedroom antics too often.

With a last look round Stephanie checked her reflection in the full length mirror — stockings straight, uniform crisp, hair up – and then closed and locked the door, before striding off determinedly in the direction of the staff room for a well-earned cup of tea. It was nice now the evenings were lengthening, she thought, it seemed as though one had more hours in the day. The cricketers were making use of the lighter evenings to get some post school nets practice in she noted as she strolled past.

She entered the staff room and made straight for the teapot, which someone had only just filled by the looks of it. She spotted her friend Sally, art teacher extraordinaire, on the other side of the room and made her way over with her cup of tea.

“How goes it Sal, any budding Van Goghs or Turners in your classes this term?”

“So far as painting is concerned, most of them would be better off sticking to walls and ceilings, maybe skirting boards for the more advanced,” she replied with a laugh.

“How’s it going with Rob?” asked Stephanie, referring to Sally’s boyfriend.

“Well, let’s just say that since that interesting weekend we spent with you and Nick, his horizons have been broadened somewhat,” replied Sally with a lascivious grin. “My hairbrush has been getting used for a lot more than Mr Mason or Mr Pearson intended, I’m quite sure!”

“I’m glad to hear that your unfeasibly sexy backside has been getting its just desserts. Then the rest of us might feel there is some fairness in the world when we have to compete with it!”

They both grinned and Stephanie replayed in her mind the scene round the pond where Nick had spanked a naked Sally over his knee, Rob had then been introduced to the pleasure of spanking Stephanie clad in her nurse’s uniform, stockings and suspenders with knickers lowered and the highlight the following day when she and Sally had been bound together face to face and strapped, spanked and tawsed to a climax by both of the men. Yes, she was sure that must have broadened Rob’s horizons.

They both looked up as some commotion accompanied the arrival in the room of Andy Lowes, one of the younger teachers — who Stephanie privately thought was quite dishy with his wavy brown curls and blue eyes — and who was clearly in some distress. A couple of the other teachers helped him to a sofa where he lay back with his legs up and a look of relief on his face.

“What’s happened to you, Andy?” asked Stephanie as she walked over to him.

“Doing fielding practice with the Second XI, there was a patch of grass that was still a bit damp from the rain this morning, and keeping my eye on a high ball, I did the splits,” Andy winced.

“Ooh dear, sounds nasty,” murmured Stephanie consolingly. “Now in case you are suffering from shock, a nice strong cup of tea is just the thing.”

With that Stephanie got up and leant over the tea trolley to find Andy a cup, which she filled with steaming tea and topped up with a dash of milk. On taking it back to Andy, who was still slumped on the sofa, she thought she noted a bit more colour in his face and a twinkle of amusement in his eyes.

“Gosh, thanks Steph,” he gasped, just what I needed. He took a long draught of the tea and then set it down exhaling noisily. “It’s flipping sore, I really staggered over here from the nets, what do you think I have done, nurse?”

“Well,” said Stephanie adopting her serious professional nurse tone, “you have probably strained the adductor muscles in your groin. It can be quite painful but as long as you are young and fit, with a bit of care not to overdo it in the next couple of weeks and then some physio you should be right as rain. Now I should pack you off to A&E to get checked out but I know you’ll wait for about three hours, get a cursory examination and then be packed off home with a couple of iboprufen. If you like, and you can make it as far as my office, I can give you a check over and save you a long wait.”

“That would be kind of you Steph,” replied Andy eagerly. “I’m not sure how steady on my feet I am though.” Kartal Fetiş Escort

“I expect Sal will help us to get you over there, won’t you Sal?” enquired Stephanie while looking her friend in the eye.

“Yes of course,” replied Sally, “just finish your tea and when you are ready to go, I can take one side and Steph can take the other.” She looked at Stephanie meaningfully. “I am sure we will have you perked up in no time.”

With Stephanie on one side and Sally on the other, and his arms round their shoulders, Andy made his way rather slowly to the sanatorium, wincing from time to time. Once inside they helped him to the examination couch.

“Now then Sally, if you would like to assist me here I will co-opt you as a temporary member of the medical staff, but remember the rules about patient confidentiality,” said Stephanie in a professional sounding voice.

“Certainly, nurse,” sniggered Sally.

“Now then Andy, we had better get your trousers off and inspect the damage,” said Stephanie. “Help me with his belt will you Sal?”

She thought Sally took rather long over unbuttoning Andy’s belt, undoing buttons and lowering his flies but eventually the trousers were removed from his legs and Stephanie was able to inspect is inner thigh with Sally looking on expectantly. She donned a pair of latex gloves and began gently prodding and feeling Andy’s thigh muscle. A few gasps escaped his lips as she pressed a sensitive spot and both women noticed some stirrings within Andy’s black underpants.

“How does this feel?” asked Stephanie as she moved her hand upwards along his thigh.

“Very nice,” chortled Andy, “er, I mean, it’s still rather sore.”

“I see we have a joker,” observed Stephanie with mock sternness. “Sally, go to the fridge in the wall and get me an ice pack will you?”

Sally did as asked and came back with a flexible cold pack. “Now I am going to apply this to your thigh muscle, it should take down any swelling,” announced Stephanie. As she pressed it against the injured spot there was a sharp intake of breath from the patient.

“Gosh, that’s cold,” he muttered, “it would take down swellings anywhere.”

Stephanie cast a knowing look in Sally’s direction and imperceptibly edged the cold pack up the inside of the thigh until the end came into contact with Andy’s groin. There was a muffled groan as the growing bulge in Andy’s pants deflated.

“Yes, I think that is taking the swelling down nicely,” announced Steph with a smile at her co-conspirator. “Now I do have some effective pain relief medicine, Sal take another look in the door of the fridge and bring out the bottles you find there will you?”

Sally went back to the fridge and returned with a bottle of vodka and a bottle of orange juice.

“Now this is not strictly on the approved list of medicines but in this case I think it is just what the doctor — or rather nurse — ordered. As long as you keep schtum Andy I will prescribe a vodka and orange and I think the nursing staff deserve one as well.”

“Thanks, I think that will certainly hit the spot,” agreed Andy as he took the proffered glass.

Sally took a swig of her drink and asked, “Do you think some massage of his thigh would help? I’ve been on a course,” she added slightly too eagerly.

“Well, perhaps just lightly,” agreed Stephanie, “but we don’t want to risk aggravating any strain. Pop these latex gloves on and use this tube of Arnica. It will help prevent bruising.”

Sally donned the gloves and gently, some might say sensuously, began rubbing the Arnica into Andy’s thigh, her hand creeping slightly higher with each stroke. Andy began breathing rather more deeply and Stephanie observed some renewed bulging in his groin area.

“Yes, that seems to be doing the trick Sal,” she observed, “now reapply the cold pack.” Andy groaned again and closed his eyes as Sal’s warm fingers were replaced by the cold mass. “I think you are just torturing me here,” said Andy through gritted teeth. Stephanie smiled at Sally. “I don’t know what you mean,” she said in an innocent voice, “we are just administering sound approved nursing care, well maybe apart from the vodka.”

“I’m half expecting you to get out your punishment implements next!”

“Now I don’t think you have done anything to deserve corporal punishment…yet,” replied Stephanie primly.

“Go on Steph, show us the tools of your trade,” joined in Sally, “where do you keep your instruments of chastisement?”

“Oh, you are both very interested aren’t you? Well, only those about to receive corporal punishment get to see what they are about to have administered to their bottoms.”

“Just professional curiosity, you know, one member of staff to another,” said Andy through pursed lips.

“You know what the kids call you, don’t you Steph?” added Sally. “Remember One Flew over the Cuckoo’s Nest? They call you Nurse Thrashit.”

Stephanie hadn’t heard that one but she had Kartal Gecelik Escort to admire the humour. She looked from one eager face to the other. “Keep up the work with the ice-pack Sal,” she ordered as she rose from her stool next to the couch and went to her desk drawer, where she pulled out the black leather paddle, her ebony Mason & Pearson hairbrush, an oblong wooden paddle and a two-tailed tan leather tawse. She brought these back to the couch and laid them down.

“Now my favourite is the leather paddle,” she confided, “it gives a nice even all over glow. The hairbrush gives a sharper sting but makes a very nice crack as it lands. I don’t use the wooden paddle quite as much but it is a good bit larger than the leather one and is very useful on the larger bottom. It will also cover both cheeks simultaneously. The tawse is the sharpest implement and I use that if I feel that just a paddling isn’t really getting through to the miscreant. For this one the spankee has to put his elbows on my desk so I can stand back and get a good swing. The others I administer over my knee. I do have a cane as well but I have never had to use that.”

Andy was staring at the assorted instruments with eyes bulging. Sally had discarded the ice-pack and was massaging ever closer to Andy’s groin where his pants now resembled a tent being held up by a twitching flagpole.

“And do you always spank on the bare bottom?” enquired Andy.

“Oh, you do want to know all the lascivious details don’t you? Well the answer is yes, almost always, that way I can judge effectiveness of the treatment. But I usually start with pants or knickers on for the warm-up stage, before taking them down for the spanking proper.”

“How long does it usually last?” enquired Sally with a gleam in her eye, her hand now resting casually on Andy’s erection.

“About five minutes of hand spanking over a covered bottom, then pants or knickers down for about fifteen minutes of paddling on the bare bottom, delivered slowly but firmly, and with some pauses to allow my subjects to regain their composure. Tawsing, if that is required, is usually six or eight sharp strokes delivered over three minutes, but sometimes a dozen are needed to get true repentance.”

Stephanie noticed that both Andy and Sally were staring at her open-mouthed, with their gaze flickering to the implements of correction and then back to her face.

“Anyway, enough about the other aspects of my job, I think we should have the patient turn over on the couch and I can check his hamstrings.” With that Andy gingerly turned over on to his front, assisted by an eager Sally. Stephanie gently prodded the backs of his thigh with her gloved hand, then used her thumbs a little more forcefully. There was a sharp intake of breath from Andy.

“How’s it feeling Andy?” asked Stephanie solicitously.

“A bit painful if I am honest.”

“Hmm, you’ve done a bit more damage than I had thought at first, I think we had better check you over thoroughly. Sally, would you just pull his pants down for me please, I need to check the groin area.” This last was delivered without a hint of a smile. Sally looked her in the eye as Andy glanced apprehensively over his shoulder from his face-down position on the couch.

“Yes of course,” replied Sally, tucking her thumbs into the waistband of Andy’s pants and tugging them downward. Realising she had hit an obstruction she motioned Andy to raise his hips slightly and moved her right hand underneath his body, freeing his straining penis from the waistband of the constricting pants and pulling them down to his knees.

“Now I am just going to check your testicles Andy,” said Stephanie in her professional nurse voice, inserting her gloved hand in between his thighs from behind. She cupped his balls and gently felt them, with a low moan now coming from Andy’s lips. She took her time, the fingers of her other hand lightly brushing his perineum.

“Any pain here Andy?” she enquired softly.

There was a strangled gasp from the patient and a croaking reply.

“No…not really,” he managed to utter. But I feel very vulnerable here, face down on your examination couch with my pants down and all those punishment instruments just right there.” He craned his neck to look at her over the shoulder.

“Now Andy, I am sure you haven’t done anything to deserve treatment with one of these implements, or have you?” enquired Stephanie looking him in the eye with lips pursed and one eyebrow raised. “You did seem to go rather quiet when I was getting you a cup of tea in the staffroom.”

Andy blushed and wriggled on the couch. “I’ve always been a bit fascinated with what goes on in this room at your correctional sessions and fantasised about having to knock on your door. Now you ask, you did rather bend over the tea trolley and I couldn’t help but notice that you were wearing very attractive stockings and suspenders and black lace knickers and your legs are, well…heavenly”. Kartal Genç Escort

“And what about my bottom, Andy?” asked Stephanie as she turned around and lifted the hem of her uniform, presenting Andy with a vision of sheer black stockings and a curvaceous bottom framed by suspenders and confined by the semi-transparent lace knickers. “Is that heavenly too?”

“I should say,” agreed Andy enthusiastically, looking at Sal for support. Sally grinned at him and slipped her hand between his hips and the couch, finding the straining cock as it dug into the towelling covering of the couch and grasping it firmly.

“Oh, Stephanie has a gorgeous bottom, and one not unused to punishment I might add, but on this occasion I think you will find that it is you on the receiving end of her spanking arm.”

“Quite so,” agreed Stephanie, “it’s very nice to know that one’s figure is admired but voyeurism must be soundly punished and I will now take the opportunity to acquaint you with one or more of these instruments you see before you. I will also seek your feedback on each one, as I don’t usually get this from the recipients of my ministrations who seem to want to escape as quickly as possible. It’s good to know what effect each one is having. Are you happy for me to go ahead?”

“Umm, yes”, replied a flustered Andy. “I suppose I am.”

Looking from the bottom end of the couch, Stephanie was standing to the left and she raised her latex-covered right hand. Sally was sitting on a stool to the right of the couch with her right hand still holding Andy’s cock out of sight underneath his body.

“Now I am going to warm you up with a hand spanking first, as I usually do. One wants to build up gradually and then the subject can usually take a lot more than if one goes in hard to start with. Now Andy, is this the first time you have been spanked?” she enquired neutrally.

“Yes it is actually, I’ve always wondered what it would be like,” he replied in a strangulated croak.

“Well, you are about to find out!”

So saying, Stephanie applied her open hand smartly to each cheek in turn, revelling in the contact with his taut bottom and watching a pale pink blush begin to suffuse the surface. She kept up an even pace and was gratified to hear the little gasps as her hand made contact, noticing the way Andy was raising his hips imperceptibly to meet each stroke.

“Sally, thank you for keeping the patient anchored in place, so to speak,” smiled Stephanie at her friend, who was wearing a look of blatant lust as she returned the smile.

Stephanie paused and examined her handiwork, running her hand slowly and sensuously over each cheek in turn.

“We are getting a nice rosy glow here,” she announced with satisfaction. “How’s it feeling? I need some feedback please.”

“Umm, you’ve got me quite excited actually”, he said, glancing sideways at Sally, “but my bottom feels warm rather than painful”.

“Time to move on then,” announced Stephanie, “I think it’s time for the leather paddle, which does a very good job of reddening a bare bottom.” She looked at Sally, who added, “It certainly does, I remember being over your knee for a crisp few strokes with that paddle when I spied on one of your sessions and I endorse that view completely.” She gave the shaft of Andy’s penis an encouraging couple of tugs; she had to be careful not to go too quickly, he had plenty of spanking to come and she didn’t want to bring him to a climax too quickly.

“Have you been over Steph’s knee?” asked Andy incredulously.

“I certainly have, and a very stingy experience it was but one I thoroughly deserved,” replied Sally.

“I’m going to start off moderately and then increase the force of my strokes gradually,” said Steph. “Please tell me how it feels as I go along.”

She applied the paddle with a thwack to each cheek in turn, concentrating on the lower half, as he began to wriggle and gasp. Sally, an evil smirk of lust curling her lips, ran the top of her thumb over the head of his penis with each stroke. “It does seem as though he is enjoying this,” she reported to Stephanie.

“I will have to be a bit firmer then,” replied Stephanie, swinging her wrist with more vigour and imparting a sharp crack as the paddle met the bare bottom. “And go on for a bit longer.”

“No, oh, oh…” moaned Andy who wasn’t sure how long he could stand the pleasure and pain combination. Sally followed the cue and her hand stopped moving on his cock.

“Oh yes, yes,” sniggered Stephanie, “you wanted to find out what a correctional session was like and you are going to do just that. How’s it feeling now?”

“Definitely much hotter and a bit like having a thousand ants crawling over my bottom.”

“I’m going to give you a few more with the leather paddle and then we will have a change of implement.” With that she gave him another half dozen sharp strokes to each cheek and then laid down the paddle. She was starting to glow slightly with the effort.

“This is hot work for me, so I hope you won’t object if I take my uniform off?” she enquired.

“Of course not,” came the muffled reply from the couch.

“Go ahead,” said Sally with a grin, he can’t see you as he’s got his head buried in the pillow anyway.”

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