A Movie, A Car Ride, And A Cabin

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As I was packing my bags for my sophomore year of college, I couldn’t help but think how much I had changed over the summer. I know that many people say that you go through many changes during your first year of college, but for me, it happened in my own hometown, after my first year.

Looking back, I remember the afternoon that I had pulled back into town. I arrived back in my small Midwest town on a quite Thursday afternoon. I was glad to be home. I hate to admit it, but I enjoyed being in a place where I could “be in the limelight.”

I had graduated the previous spring as the top student in my class. I had participated in many different things in high school and had been relatively successful at many of them. By the time I graduated, I thought that I had racked up a pretty impressive resume: All-State football, All-State Band (that’s right, I was both a jock and a band geek), Valedictorian, Student-Body President, etc., etc., etc. Because of this, I was very well known throughout my community, and I truly enjoyed that.

I had changed some over my first year of college. Unfortunately for me, it was all a physical change and it was not for the better. Throughout high school, I always considered myself slightly out of shape and overweight, despite the fact that I played both football and basketball. Even though I thought that I was a little overweight, I still considered myself a good looking guy. I was a little short at 5’9”, but I had other features to make up for my elevation problems. I had blonde hair that always seemed to look okay, but not great. My best feature, though, was on my face. I am still told today that I have the most beautiful blue eyes. I do not know where they came from, but there are times that I thank God for giving them to me. However, even with the intense practices and competitions, I never seemed to be able to lose my baby gut. When I returned from college, I was a nice robust 225 pounds. Although it was not a ‘fatty’ 225 pounds, at only 5’9”, I thought that I looked entirely too big. I tried staying active during the semester, but I only seemed to manage to get into the gym once or twice a week. Of course, snacking on foods until 2 or 3 in the morning trying to study for a test didn’t help much either.

Before I returned for the summer, I had decided that I was going to try to lose some of the weight that I had gained. I knew that it wasn’t going to be easy, but I knew that I could do it. The very first day that I was home, I began working out quite intensely. After about two weeks, I began to see some progress. It was small, but it was not even close to the change that I would soon begin to see.

Something that I have not yet mentioned is my love life, or lack thereof. I know that frequent dating is often associated with college students, especially the dating of several different people. As for me, I did not see a girl all year. My last dating experience came when I was a junior in high school. At the time, I told myself that I was better off without a girlfriend. For the most part, that was true, but there were times when I really wanted a girlfriend, if you know what I mean.

When I did return home for the summer, I expected my love life to proceed as it had for the past two years: non-existent. Boy was I wrong!! Of all the things that I had planned on changing during the summer (physical appearance especially) my relationship with the opposite sex was definitely not on the list. It wasn’t that I didn’t want a girlfriend. I just did not expect to find one in my small community. I had lived there for 18 years, and trust me; there wasn’t much of a selection.

Things all began to change at the end of June. By that time, my physical exercise was beginning to pay dividends. I did see some change in my appearance, but the major changes occurred elsewhere. All of a sudden, I had more energy and confidence. This was probably the main reason behind the major changes that were about to come.

One day when I was in the grocery store, I saw a girl that I had gone to high school with. Her name was Liz, and she graduated a year ahead of me. Liz was what I called “a looker.” Liz was not the most beautiful girl in the world, but she definitely did not do badly. She was a little short at 5’1” but had some meat on her bones, so she did not look like a pencil. She had a round face with short, curly “dirty” blonde hair. What made Liz “a looker” was not her overall body build, but it was the features that she possessed on that body. Liz had a wonderful smile that I could have stared at for hours. I still do not know to this day why I was so fascinated with that smile. She had nicely toned skin that was always darker than the season called for.

What really set Liz apart, though, were her chest and her ass. She had one of the most perfectly shaped asses that I had ever seen. It was very round and it swayed ever so slightly as she walked. Not only was it the perfect shape, but it was very sex izle firm also. When she would wear her tight cheerleading shorts at school, I swear that she would give me a hard on just by walking down the hall. As I said, Liz also had a very nice chest. To tell you the truth, I don’t know what it was about her breasts that made me so attracted to them. They were not overly large, probably a nice full B, and I had no clue as to their shape or texture. All I knew is that they were framed on her body absolutely perfectly and that I took notice of them quite often when we went to school together.

Despite the fact that I could hardly look at her without thinking of her sexually, I did manage to say a few words to her. We stopped and said hi to each other and went our separate ways. When I went to check-out, Liz was in front of me. This time, we struck up a better conversation. We had been friends in high school, but we did not “hang-out” or anything. She was the girl who always had a boyfriend and was always concerned about her appearance. By the time we had reached the check-out counter, we had been able to have a good conversation. I found out that she was doing well in school and that her and Mark, (her long time boyfriend) had split up about 4 months ago. She said that she was going to be in town for the summer and she said that she hoped to see me around. After she had checked out, Liz said goodbye, left the store, and I did not give one more thought to our conversation.

Two weeks later, I saw Liz again. By this time, the weight was really starting to come off and I was feeling pretty good about myself. This time, I saw her at a local gas station. She was filling up her Jeep Grand Cherokee as I drove up in my Jeep Wrangler. I jumped out and began to fill my tank. Once I had the fuel going, I went over to say hi again. Liz was a little surprised to see me, but she greeted me with a nice smile. After a few minutes of chit chat, she invited me to join some other friends of hers (and mine) to go see a movie that night. I thought that it sounded like a good idea so I agreed to go.

When I was getting ready for the movie that night, my mom told me that I had an odd bounce to my step. She asked me if I had a big date, but I told her that it was just a bunch of my friends going out to see a movie. When I met my friends at the designated location that evening, I piled in with a couple of other guys that I had gone to school with. Being from a small town, we had to drive about an hour to get to the nearest descent movie theatre. Once we arrived at the theatre, I saw Liz and some other friends jump out of her Jeep Cherokee. The rest of us made our way to her vehicle and we entered the theatre together. When we found our seats, Liz sat down in the seat directly to my left. This surprised me a little because I was sitting on one end, and her girlfriends were sitting at the other end of the row.

After the movie had been running for about twenty minutes, I realized that it was going to be rather boring. Thus I began to space off, paying no attention whatsoever to the movie. Approximately twenty minutes later, I felt a light touch on my left hand. I didn’t even bother to glance over, thinking that Liz had just brushed against me as she was shifting in her seat. Once again, I felt another light touch on my hand. When I glanced over, I realized that Liz was looking at me. At first, I was a little confused, because I did not know what she wanted. To my surprise, she reached out and took hold of my hand. Before I had a chance to react, her left hand was around my bicep and she was leaning on my shoulder. A few minutes later, she was asleep. I did not blame her, because the move was a sleeper. During the last hour of the movie, I could not stop thinking about what had happened. While Liz was sleeping on my shoulder, I was running all the scenarios through my head:

“Was she attracted to me? No, that couldn’t be it, could it? She is probably just bored and tired, right? Oh, I don’t know. Maybe she really does like me!?”

After the movie ended, I found myself in a slight trance. I was still unsure as to what Liz had just done, and was not sure on how to proceed. This decision was quickly made for me. On the way out of the theatre, Liz suggested that we ride home with different people. As it turned out, Liz and I rode alone in her vehicle, while the rest of the group made it home in the other two vehicles that made the trip.

This really made me wonder what Liz was trying to tell me. As we made our way home, I could barely say a word, as I was trying not to embarrass myself and say something that I shouldn’t. We talked briefly about the movie and how bad it was, but nothing was said about the physical contact between the two of us. Despite the fact that I did not want to embarrass myself, I could not keep my eyes of off Liz. She was wearing a blue and white mini skirt that went half way to her knees and a blue spaghetti strap top fransız porno that was fairly low cut. It was obvious that she was not wearing a bra as the outline of her entire breast was clearly visible through the thin blue material, not to mention her perky nipples that protruded through the top. I tried not to make it obvious that I was looking her up and down, but I could not help myself. Even if she did not catch me looking at her, I am sure that she could have noticed the bulge that was beginning to form in my shorts.

We continued to make small talk as we made our way home. When we were about 15 minutes outside of town, I couldn’t stand it any longer. I had to find out what she was trying to tell me, or if she was trying to tell me anything at all, during the movie.

“Were you trying to tell me something during the movie?” I asked her.

“What do you mean?” she replied.

“I mean, why did you reach out and hold my hand, and why did you decide to sleep on my shoulder?”

“I guess because it just felt natural. I was bored of watching the movie and it felt like it was the right thing to do. Were you uncomfortable with it?”

“Oh, no, I wasn’t uncomfortable at all, I just want to know if there is something else that is going to happen between us.”

And with that statement, my entire life turned around. At that moment, we had reached my vehicle in town and we were parked beside it. Liz turned her head towards me, leaning slightly into me. Without even thinking, I did the same, and we met with a soft kiss that seemed to last an eternity, even though it was only a few seconds. As we broke the kiss, I could feel the swell in my shorts beginning to grow once again. This time, it was not going to go away very quickly. I leaned in once again and began giving her slow, supple kisses on her soft lips. I moved my hand to her face and ran my hands through her hair as she wrapped her hands around my body. I could feel my manhood beginning to swell even further as we become more passionate.

All of a sudden, I realized that we were beginning to make out in her vehicle in the middle of town. I suggested that we go somewhere else if we were going to continue. She suggested that we drive out to her family’s cabin on the lake. Her family was quite well off and owned a very impressive cabin at a nearby lake. As we were driving to the cabin about 15 miles away, I said something that I never thought that I would say to her.

“You know, I have never done this before, Liz.”

“You mean that you have never made out before. Oh, come on Ryan (which is me), you have had girlfriends before.”

“Yes, I have made out before, but…but I have never…you know…”

“Gone all the way? Ryan, it’s ok. There is nothing to worry about.”

“I know that there’s nothing to worry about. I just…just don’t want to be…bad.” “You don’t have to worry about anything. You will be just fine, trust me.”

As Liz said this, we pulled into the drive of the cabin. By this time, my excitement had leveled off slightly, but my heart was absolutely racing. We entered the cabin and Liz flipped on the lights to the kitchen. She asked if I was hungry, and I said that I was good. We made our way to the living room where she turned on a very dim light in the corner of the room while I found a seat on the sofa. Liz turned toward me, and just stared at me. After a long, awkward silence, she finally broke the tension.

“You have nothing to worry about, you know. If you don’t feel comfortable doing something, then just tell me.”

“It’s not that I don’t feel comfortable, I just don’t want to disappoint you, Liz.”

“Believe me, Ryan; you’re not going to disappoint me.”

“It’s not just in going all the way Liz, there are a lot of things that I haven’t done.”

When I said that, Liz moved towards me ever so gracefully and quietly, like a predator before it jumps on the unsuspecting prey. She turned and sat on my lap, twisting her body so she could see me.

“All you have to do is let me take care of you. I promise that you will have no trouble.”

Even with her words of encouragement, my heart was still pounding in my chest. Liz moved her body closer to mine and we engaged in a kiss very similar to the first one. This time, I instinctively wrapped my arms around her and pulled her close to me. She let out a small gasp as her body collided with mine and we sunk further into the furniture. As we continued to entangle our bodies, she became a little more aggressive, rubbing my chest with vigor as I massaged her back.

By this time, she was laying on top of me on the couch. As she tried to move into a better position, she rolled off and we both burst out laughing. This helped calm my nerves slightly, that is, until she suggested that we move into the bedroom. When Liz picked herself up off the floor, her skirt rode high up on her hips and I could see clearly that she was wearing teen porno a very small thong. When she made her way to her feet, she left the skirt on her hips, giving me a clear view of the ass that once gave me hard ons when she walked down the hall at school. I sat on the couch in awe at first, not because I had never seen a girl’s tight ass before, but because I never thought that I would see that tight ass.

Liz realized that I was having a hard time getting of the couch, so as she sexily moved herself towards the bedroom, she turned to me and said, “Maybe you need some encouragement,” and she reached down to the bottom of her top and pulled it up over her head and threw it towards me. By the time I realized what she had done, she had darted off to the bedroom, awaiting my arrival. When I entered the bedroom, she was laying on her stomach, facing the doorway. As I moved closer to the bed, she sat up slightly, exposing her beautiful breasts. When I began to climb on the bed, she stopped me, saying,

“Someone is wearing entirely too many clothes to get on this bed. I believe that you will have to discard some of yours before you can be admitted,” with a devilish grin.

I then stood in front of her and began removing my shoes and socks. When I started removing my shirt, she got off the bed and held my hands. “I think that I will help you with that,” she said, starring into my eyes. She moved my hands to her breasts and cupped my fingers around them. I began to massage her soft, but firm chest as she reached for the bottom of my shirt. She pulled it up over my head and dropped it on the floor. She pulled me closer to her and we fell on the bed in each other’s arms. For the first time, she could feel my hard cock pressing up against her. As she massaged my chest, I could feel myself getting harder and harder, and so could she.

“It feels like someone is ready to get down to business,” she said, glancing down at my crotch. She moved her hands to the top of my shorts and unbuttoned them. I closed my eyes and felt her right hand slip into my shorts and boxers and grab hold of my cock for the first time. Liz pushed my shorts and boxers down my body to get her first look at me. I am not afraid to say that what she saw was not that impressive. Even at “full-strength,” I was only five inches long. I was a little ashamed at first, and I think that she could tell this.

“Oooh, it’s so beautiful, Ryan. I have never seen one like yours.”

“Are you sure, look at it, it barely makes five inches.”

“Yes, but it’s so thick. And it feels so smooth and tender. Oh, I am going to have fun with this.” Liz then began stroking my cock a little harder and leaned her chest into my face. I began kissing the most stunning breasts I had ever laid eyes on. Liz’s breasts were just a full “B,” but they were absolutely perfect for her body. Just as soon as I was really enjoying her breasts, Liz began sliding down my body, kissing every inch of me as she went, the entire time, holding onto my cock.

When she reached my crotch, she kissed all around my cock and balls, teasing me until I begged her to give her attention to my cock. Even with my begging, she continued to tease, barely touching the head of my shaft. Finally after several minutes of agonizing taunting, Liz placed her tongue at the bottom of my cock and ran it all the way to the top, stopping at the head to give it a little extra attention. I could not believe that this was happening. Of all the things that I wanted to do over the summer, I never imagined that going to bed with a girl that I only used to fantasize about would be one of them.

Liz’s licking continued, and she started rubbing my balls ever so slightly as she ran her tongue all over my hard, thick cock. She still had not inserted the shaft into her mouth, and I was getting a bit anxious. I decided to take the initiative by grabbing her head. When I did this, she let out a slight, mmmmm, but continued working on my cock. I guided her mouth to the top of shaft and coerced her mouth over the head of my cock. Liz knew that I wanted her to take me inside of her, but she still resisted.

“There is no rush she said,” She said, “I want to make this the best night of your life. Just lie back on the bed and let me do the work.”

When she said this, I figured that her licking and teasing would go on for hours, but she knew that she had to get on with it eventually. Liz grabbed the base of my cock and moved her mouth to the head. In one swift move, my entire cock was engulfed by her wonderful mouth.

“Oh, Ryan, you taste so sweet. I never knew that a cock could taste this good.”

Hearing this really got me turned on, if I wasn’t already. I thought that I was going to cum already, just by hearing her say that. Liz continued to down my cock in her throat. She started at the top and moved all the way down to the base, taking the entire thing into her mouth. Liz started to pick up the pace and I knew that I was not going to be able to hold on much longer. All of the sudden, she began to squeeze my balls with vitality. This put me over the top. I couldn’t hold it any longer. When she looked into my eyes, she knew I was about ready to let it fly.

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