i feel like a robot, &/or zombie though a beli

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i feel like a robot, &/or zombie though a belidear to whomsoever it may concern: I myself being as I am of my person who chooses to remain anonymous for some, or such reason/s, &/or purpose/s for that being of the person of my same self having said so being of which is self-explanatory, or to simply say a no-brainer, & as ‘the little brother’ of the former, or ex ‘prez-of-d.c.’ as in former, or ex president of the u.s.a., united states of america, would like to bring it being as it is of some, or of such matters to mind, & mainly, or mostly to that being of the female persons of those being of whom are among yourselves being of the many different races of born, & raised female persons representing the opposite sex who are likewise from whatsoever walks of life, factions of society, or lifestyle preferences however said be I speaking some, or such correct, proper, standard English grammar of the American dialect, or not, & being of quality/ies, & quantity/ies, how that at those times that I myself can, or could possibly play the part of the-devil’s-advocate, &/or likewise as that being of the lesser of two evils being of a prodigal-son as in believer who has gone astray from the will of God would like, or love to engage in some, or such rather promiscuous sexual activities only with females of women who were born, & raised that way, not including any female impersonators of gay-guys, homos, or faggots, & neither, or nor any trannys as in transgenders being that because that is not my cup of tea, or is not my thang, I leave that kind of sort, or type for those being of some, or of such other males being of whom are just ever so really desperate to try to get back into the swing of things as in try to insert their d-_-cks, canlı bahis pr-_-cks, cocks, or penises into practically, &/or possibly anyone, or anything that has some, or such holes in them, or it, & I aint going out like that similar to the likes of the male sexual-predator a****l-monster creep crazy characters being of whom scope, stalk, & vamp, or prey upon if not pray with any of their women, & c***dren **** victims as that is beneath me, I mean whereas I myself am too much of a man for that kind of nonsense to be attempting to relieve myself in a much more natural way, & at times to the expense of some, or of such others as that is what those kind of male characters do as they themselves do not think about that being of the feelings of others, & as they themselves only wish to gratify, or satisfy themselves regardless of whether, or not it could possibly become, or be in violation of somebody else’s civil, &/or human rights, & as well as likewise regardless of whether, or not they themselves are given that being of the permission, or consent to do so, & besides all that I myself personally think that males who prey upon women, & c***dren for that being of their own selfish gratification, or satisfaction are of some, or of such of the worcest of scumbags, &/or low-lifes when that being of the answer of no to anybody unwanted sexual advancements against one’s person usually means exactly that being of no, & whereas I myself can never again practically if not possibly place myself in a position like I myself had almost done years ago whereas from there I would have had to register with the law as one of those unlawful, or criminally i*****l pervs as in perverts who commit sexual hate-crimes against another, bahis siteleri or against some, or such others, I mean it is wrong for a person to attempt to force him, or her self upon another individual if it is of some, or such physical actions of an intimate, sensual, or sexual nature being of which makes another, or the other individual person feel uncomfortable, & whereas the global community is witnessing that kind of physical actions being of which is not only socially-unacceptable, but then nevertheless, or whereas it is as well, or likewise unlawful, or criminally-i*****l upon that being of the increase, & whereas any, every, &/or all sexual hate-crimes inflicted upon that being of the person of another individual should quite naturally be reported if that being of the witness to a sexual hate-crime still has that being of any kind of conscious within that of the soul of one’s person, now on the other hand if one being of an individual person is quite unsure of even so, or equally as well that being of a possible, &/or potential sexual-hate-crime being of which could possibly be committed against another individual person like say for example within that being of the, or a format of a social-media website-address post being of a video then it’s quite understandable if an individual person doesn’t, or don’t want to report it as for one thing an individual person may not be sure if that being of an actual sexual-assault, or **** is taking place as in happening, & then two, or second of all one being of an individual person may be kind of scared of reporting that being of a suspected sexual-hate-crime out of fear that one may be placed in the category of, or be classified as that being of a possible, &/or potential bahis şirketleri accomplice in that being of a case-scenario whereas one individual person may be committing a sexual-hate-crime against another individual person within that being of the content of a porn flick, or sex film, & whereas I myself have suspected that certain porn being of which I have watched in time’s past depicting sexual-assault, or **** is that being of the real thing of an incident happening to an individual person coming from the, or a character of a male being of that nature whereas on the other hand I myself have likewise suspected that certain other ones depicting that being of a sexual-assault, or **** format although, or regardless of how it being of some, or of such could possibly just look ever so real could likewise just be possibly just a well staged fictitious work of art, but then I myself am no expert in deciding what is real, & what is faked, or phoney, & so therefore upon that last note of interest whereas I myself am just going to conclude these matters until further notice, & whereas I would hope, or wish that if anybody has that being of a rather serious porn-addiction that one would think of it being of a mind’s intentions to try to seek some, or such professional counseling, &/or mental health services as I myself as an individual know what that is like from that being of mine own personal experience/s with that, & as I am a babe in recovery when it comes down to this here, pardon the pun, none intended, & no offense is meant to be possibly directed against any past, present, or future sexual-assault victims, or **** victims, & whereas I myself am still struggling presently with some, or such sexual-addictions, take care, & be safe everybody, & don’t do anything that I wouldn’t do that could possibly put you at risk of being thrown into jail, peace, & love, joy, & happiness, be blessed, not stressed, & until then, later, bye, …

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