Bowled Over Ch. 2

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Chapter 2: The Awakening

As we walked out the door of the bowling alley, I started to turn toward the rear parking lot to get my car but Sandy took me by the arm and said, “Let’s go for a walk.” When she had asked for a ride home earlier, it was for the benefit of the guys in the poolroom. Actually she lived just two blocks away in the duplex she shared with her girlfriend and co-worker at the Telephone Company. Sandy didn’t want to broadcast where they lived because her ex was harassing her ass due to the alimony he was force to pay by the Court. What Sandy wanted to do now was just to walk and talk to get to know me. She said I looked like a ‘nice guy’ and was turned on enough to ‘pull her little stunt’ as she called it but she wasn’t a slut. She said that she was a friend of Elmer and his wife who bowled in a league with my mom and dad. She had already learned a ‘few things’ about me from them. Enough that she wanted to get to know me better. So when she saw the guys in the poolroom (including me) she acted spontaneously to get my attention.

This was the beginning of my advanced sexual education because I would soon learn Sandy was both a very nice girl AND a total sexy little slut. When she choose to let the slut ‘out it was awesome and the lady-side of her was equally fantastic. What a dichotomy! I have not yet (at the time of this writing) met such an intelligent, well-mannered, and totally depraved little slut woman-child. What a dream girl for such a horny 19 year old and still ‘wet behind the ears’ kid to latch onto as his sexual mentor.

It was about 9:00 PM on a warm ‘Santa Anna’ breezy spring evening as we walked into Mc Cambridge Park. Some small talk, sitting on the park benches, more strolling and I was beginning to think the guys had her right. Maybe she really was a just a tease with that prior ‘come-on’ but only wanted a guy to just talk with. Not so, this was just Sandy’s way to quickly let me know what a truly unique woman she really was because when we reached the park swings she again began letting out her little slut-side!

First she sat down in front of me on a low-slung kiddy swing and asked if I liked her new blouse. I looked down and saw those two magnificent melons begging to be squeezed. I stuttered some stupid response that made her laugh. She knew the shy guy standing before her was truly in torture. She looked from my eyes down to the total boner trying to escape from my pants and said, “Would you like to touch them”? I was speechless and could only nod yes. Taking hold of both wrists she slipped my hands (palms up) down her blouse onto her bra-less firm titties. Her two marbled nipples were sending an electric charge from the palms of my hand directly to my penis, which already had leaked a visible wet spot all the way through my shorts, and onto the front of my trousers.

She said, “I think I should do something to relieve the pressure” and began lowering my zipper. I was wearing jockey shorts and my boner was so hard, she had difficulty extracting it. She finally got the damn thing out and said, “How big is this beautiful thing”? I replied, “It used to be seven inches but I think you just made it eight”. Her conversation had my lonely cock drooling as she wrapped it in both her hands and began massaging my pre-cum around the purple dome of the mushroomed head then down and around my shaft. She reached further into my shorts and gently extracted my balls and did something that was strange to me at the time (but which I now demand from my girlfriends due to Sandy’s education). She lifted my boner upwards and slipped my tight nut-sack into her mouth and gave it a long warm, wet sucking with her mouth as her tongue nursed my balls.

Her mouth feeding on my balls was a most erotic feeling. Up to this point, I only had paid attention to the sensations in my cock. Until her mouth and tongue began my higher sexual education, I had no idea that my balls contained such sexual feelings and sensations in the nerves of my nuts. In less than a minute she had doubled my capacity for sexual pleasures. It was as though I had two sexual organs now instead of one. She would later teach me that pleasure and great fore play began in the largest sex organ of the human body; the mind. Yes, I had won more than a bet. I had hit the sexual jackpot of my life.

Sandy once again brought my cock to the front of her mouth. She had a magnificent pointy little tongue that snaked out of her lips and tasted a large pearl of pre-cum that bubbled onto her tongue as though by command. I had two handfuls of Sandy tits, a cock swollen to a size I had never before seen; now resting on this gorgeous Redhead of a slut’s tongue. The pressure in my balls was increasing. My cock was pulsating and as for my legs; they were beginning to quiver like a bowl full of Jell-O. I was readying to erupt like a freaking volcano. My brain had blocked my speech except for an unintelligent grunting that was coming from somewhere deep inside! I started to release her tits and pull away so as not to totally ‘sperm’ her new blouse. Sandy instantly clamped down on my shaft sealing her lips tightly around my cock and sucked me deeper yet into the cavernous warmth of her mouth. Her mouth was now all the way to the base of my cock and her nose buried in my pubic hair. Then I felt her pointy tongue slide all the way out and slither to the bottom of my hard wrinkly-ridged nutsack. Her tiny little tongue was making my nutsack tighten and all of my 6’2”, 180 pound frame lift up on my tiptoes.

Upon the first hard sucking of Sandy’s mouth I blasted a huge load of cum. She was needy and greedy. Pumping my shaft she took the first load paused and swallowed my pulsing successive gushes in one continuous series of slurping gulps. Half way through swallowing my jizz down her throat and into her stomach, she paused and took a deep breath through her nose. She had not backed-off her mouth an inch while guzzling my load. I was amazed at the reality that this girl I had just met was the girl to give me a blow job (so much for the theory that I had to know a girl a long time before having intimate sex). Until now my total experience had been limited to fucking only. Not that fucking was bad or anything, but like Sandy’s education of my balls, she was my new professor of ‘Suckology 101’.

I felt her nipples harden. The sexy bitch was getting-off while swallowing my cum. I was learning new shit ‘a-mile-a-minute.’ I had no idea a babe could cum from just having her tits rubbed and giving her guy a blow-job. I was in absolute heaven. I had just met her less that a half-hour ago and already getting a blow-job. No, let me rephrase that; I was getting one of the best blow-jobs I would ever get in my entire fucking/sucking life. AND I HAD NOT EVEN ASKED HER FOR A THING. She just gave it to me for her own pleasure.

Again, I was learning another fact in the Redheaded Professor’s Sex Class. Until now, I thought all girls fucked as a favor to their boyfriends. Yeah, I knew they enjoyed it and all, but I didn’t know that real women could fuck as much for their specific enjoyment as a man. In fact, I later I experienced (on many occasions) the amazement of Sandy fucking or sucking me without caring whether I got-off or not. True she always made me cum, but on these specific occasions I knew it was out of her need for sex. She taught me that some women liked sex far more than I had realized. Again, I learned another fantastic lesson about women that would serve me well during my life.

Reaching around my ass, she pulled me deeper into her mouth and I could feel my cock touching the back of her throat. Once again she paused and then, breathing through her nose, began to rhythmically groan and moan causing a humming vibration which nursed another huge shot of gooey jizz into her mouth. A few months later, one of the gang told me his babe gave him a ‘Hummer’ at the beach and I knew exactly what he meant because that’s what Sandy was giving me a real beautiful ‘Hummer.’ She never missed a slurp. With her lips still tightly fastened around my cock, Sandy stroked and sucked my dick until she was sure she had it all and the ‘Well’ of my balls dry.

Slipping my rubbery pecker from her mouth she took a deep breath and swallowed once more clearing her throat. Giving me that sultry ‘fuck me’ grin of hers, she said, “Honey, you tasted so good.” She was the first to suck on my nuts and then suck me to a total completion. Now hearing her call me ‘Honey’ coupled with the thought that my sperm was ‘tasty’ to her; sent another shudder through my loins. When she saw me shudder she said, “Honey, I must’ve missed a little.” She slipped my cock into her greedy well-fucked mouth and milked out one more small string of my seed from deep within my nutsack. Removing my cock from her mouth she leaned forward allowing a long dollop of foamy cum to slide down onto my dick-head. She stuck out the tip of her point little tongued and flicked at it like a cat toys with a mangled cricket. I never again was lucky enough to find another woman who loved my sperm so much that she wanted to play with it like a teenager plays with a stringy wad of gum. I was totally spent and still unable to get out more than a stupid grunt of some kind of, “Thank you”.

Laughing in a low sultry voice Sandy said, “Now that we’ve gotten to know each other a little better, how about I take you home so you can finish what I started”! What a fan-fucking-tastic idea that was! Standing, she slipped my arms around her slim waist and molded her breasts, pelvis and legs into my body with a kiss. Our first kiss was gentle as her long tongue snaked between my lips into my mouth. I had never before kissed a woman’s hot mouth after her drinking my sperm. Hell, what am I saying; you already know that she had just given me my first blow-job ever! Duh!

Her kiss was a tangy, salty, sweet taste and one I was going to learn to appreciate during the next year of our dating. As we walked arm-in-arm toward her house I started to worry a little. She was far ahead of me in knowing how to make love. If I was expected to “finish what she had started” was the pressure going to be on me? Not to worry, this sexy Redhead was not about to put pressure on her man. Sandy was the kind of rare woman who knew how to make a man feel like a King so she could make him her Slave!

To be Continued

Bowled Over Ch.3

(Learning proper etiquette while dining at the ‘Y’)

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