Cum Slut Cathy No. 01

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Cum Slut


I am taking Cathy out of the Sorority Sisters series. She is so productive that if I leave her there she will overwhelm the other girls. And for the same reason, she deserves a spotlight all her own. She has earned it; she is in a class by herself. I have an archive of her exploits begging for exposure.

Cathy is a true slut — an exhibitionistic, masochistic submissive, who is willing and able to try most anything, and a girl who goes into withdrawal if she is not behaving like a bad girl. I asked her to pick the title for this series, and she picked the one above. It could as easily been Piss Slut or Pain Slut. She is learning to tolerate more and more pain and punishment. As a submissive, she craves the abuse and humiliation that such a woman attracts. I work with her ex-husband, Eric, to set up the scenarios that let us give her what she needs. Eric does all the heavy lifting, bless him. I just ideate. Since I have an evil, nasty, sadistic mind I do make a contribution.

Not long ago Cathy and I chatted about what she is ready for, what might be missing in our current play, and/or what she fantasizes about. And what she fears, which is kind of a fun topic. This was my attempt to recalibrate with my friend and favorite submissive, and be sure we were doing to and for her what she needed in her sexual evolution. The scenario reported here was our attempt, Eric and I, to set up a lesbian gang bang for her, an experience high on her fantasy list. And to incorporate a natural extension of some fetish play that we began a short while ago, also an outgrowth of that calibration discussion.

This is an account of a mostly-girl gang bang, and you may need a score card to keep track of the players. Here it is.

Karen is Cathy’s sister, and this takes place at her house, in her absence. Cathy is dog-sitting for Karen’s animal, Cindy, who was in heat. We also needed a neutral place to hold this orgy, and Karen’s basement was nearly perfect: half finished, and half raw, with a floor drain for clean up after the bodies are carted away.

Donna and Mark are Cathy’s ex-neighbors, both of whom she seduced before they moved away. She introduced Donna to Sapphic love, and let Mark experience his first ass fuck.

Misty is a woman she met in a bar one night, and with whom she has developed a nice Sapphic affair.

Tina is Eric’s girl friend from a work relationship, whom he introduced to Cathy for part of a punishment session, as Cathy calls them, and who became bisexual as a result. She seems to have a nice dominant/sadistic side.

Cheryl and Laura are introduced in context, both new to this sexual adventure-play with Cathy, and brought to the party by Misty.

Jason is a friend of Tina’s, and participated in a different session not long ago.

So that’s the team that took Cathy on for a day: three males and five females.

If you want to know more about what Cathy has done prior to this punishment session, you can get a good sample by reading her accounts in the Sorority Sister series here on my site.

With that background, I turn you over to Cathy, to read her account of this special gang bang session. I hope you enjoy her submission, and the depravity that her friends’ devious minds conjured up to abuse her and make her suffer for our entertainment.

The event took place over several hours on a Saturday. She reported it in three pieces over the next two days.

Be WARNED. This is an account of BDSM party, a gang bang and sexual abuse session. Cathy gives herself willingly into the hands of these eight tormentors, but they are not squeamish about how they use and abuse her. If you do not enjoy reading about this type of sexual play, please leave now and find something more suited to your tastes. But if you get off on watching a pretty woman be bound, whipped, clamped, severely abused, degraded and humiliated, read on.

Susan James


Time: Sunday, late morning

Hi, Susan. Or should I call you Boss Cunt? I just got on-line for the first time. I spent the night at Karen’s, recovering from yesterday’s experience.

Things were definitely different yesterday. And I have to tell you that five bitches can be harder on a girl then men can….

I’ll update you as I can, probably in chunks. Right now I’m busy getting things ready before Princess gets home. I have to admit that I was a little pissed at some things that happened yesterday, but overall I survived and the “humiliation” factor was well over the bar. But I was afraid that my pussy or ass was going to suffer permanent damage a couple times.

And this was my first experience being tortured upside down. I still don’t know how I feel about that, except sore and achy. And I was dizzy much of the time. Dizzy blonde, huh?

But don’t worry; the orgasms were plentiful, and kept coming even when I didn’t want any more. As you mentioned not long ago, forced orgasms are a good example of an agony and ecstasy experience.

I’ll try giving you some more reports when I have time, but here’s something for starters:

Eric görükle escort met me at Karen’s and helped me get her dog, Cindy, tucked away upstairs. Because she was in heat we closed her in the Master Bath. Then we went down to the basement to begin. He had me strip naked for him, doing it slowly and sexily. I was already all hot and bothered so that felt just right. It’s strange, you know, doing a strip tease for a man you used to be married to, and without music and on a bare concrete floor. When I was naked, he did the wrists-to-throat tie pretty much like last week. But then he laid me on the cold floor and strapped a pair of leather ankle cuffs on me. He put ropes through the steel loops on them and led them over a beam in the basement ceiling.

That’s when I realized what he was up to. He pulled the ropes taut and tied my legs up in the air so that I was lying on my back. He left me that way until Tina came.

When she got there, she helped him with the rest of his bondage plan. Together they pulled me up so that I was hanging upside down from the basement ceiling with my legs spread wide apart. I was pulled up until Eric was satisfied that my pussy was face-high for Tina. Then he tied me off.

Then he took metal clamps, the black kind you can get at office supply stores, and attached one on each nipple. He let the first one go and it snapped shut hard on my left nipple. Jesus Christ, did that hurt! I let out a yelp. He went easier with the second clamp, but it hurt something awful too. Those clamps are strong.

While I was hanging there, moaning in pain, he put a length of twine through each clamp and led them over another ceiling beam. He tightened the twine enough that the clamps were pulling my tits, and body, forward so that I hung at a slight angle. Not much — I think any more and the clamps would have ripped my nipples right off — but enough to really keep my nipples stretched taut and my breasts distorted a bit into cones. That hurt like hell unless I did a slight belly crunch to bend “forward,” and take the tension off the twine. I did that as long as I could, but my muscles would tire and I would have to relax to ease that pain. And then, of course, the tension would pull and stretch my nipples again. I had to keep choosing between the two types of pain. And regardless, the clamps squeezing my nipples filled my breasts with a burning ache all the time.

That was cruel. The more I crunched, the more tired I became. And the harder I dropped back out of the crunch, the harder my nipples got yanked and stretched. But I’m not going to get any sympathy from you, am I? You love seeing me in this kind of no-win situation, don’t you? Bitch .

This was when the surprise visitors arrived.

I had expected this would be a small party, with just Eric and Tina to abuse me. But then Donna and Mark showed up, followed shortly by Misty and two other girls. One of them I’d seen with Misty several times. Her name is Cheryl. She’s a cute girl, a tad overweight but still attractive. She was pretty aggressive too. I’ve had a drink with the two of them a few times and often felt that she was a little jealous of me and Misty. If so, she got her revenge yesterday. The other girl’s name is Laura. Closer to my age with a very nice body but her face makes her look older. She had bleached hair, and it was obviously a home-done job. I hate when girls mess with their hair on their own.

Anyway, here I was hanging naked by my ankles with my legs spread and my pussy on display, my arms tied up tightly behind my head, and my nipples being pulled to lengths I’ve never experienced. All in front of seven fully dressed people, five of whom I’ve had sex with, one that I knew casually, and one I’d never seen before.

I knew then that I was in trouble…

More later when I get the chance.



Time: Sunday, late in the evening.

Sorry for the delay. Princess wanted to watch a movie with me tonight so I spent some quality time with her. Then she started feeling bad before bedtime. I think her dad let her eat too much junk this weekend. She’s OK now.

I am tired as hell so I’m not sure how far I’ll get with the rest of this. I don’t want to screw it up, so if I have to, I’ll break and give you the rest tomorrow.

I was hanging by me feet. And yes those black metal clamps hurt worse than anything I’ve had used on me before. I cried out pretty loud on the first one. Eric fucked up and just let it snap closed on me! My eyes did tear up a few times during all of this. He was more careful with the second one, but it still hurt like hell too.

The girls had a good laugh at my situation. When they came in it was pretty much a combination of taunting me and greeting me. And they all stripped completely naked and stayed that way the rest of the day. They joked and laughed at me, and made lewd remarks about my body and bondage. They ran their hands over my body, caressing and pinching, clearly ready to have at me. One of the few advantages of hanging upside down, maybe the only one, is that I had a snake’s eye view of everyone’s eskort bayan genitals. Kinda cool.

Eric had done some briefings, directly with Donna and Tina, and indirectly through Misty to Cheryl and Laura. And the first thing they wanted done was to see me actually get pissed on. Eric and Mark both happily stood on either side of my front and pissed on my face for them. Being upside down, I got a lot up my nose and sputtered and sneezed it out. This made the girls laugh hysterically, and made me feel mortified.

Just to let you know, they had worked out some ground rules about who would get to do what with me. I wasn’t going to get any dick from the guys. Instead, they would get to watch the girls fuck me over, and the girls would take care of the guys when they got too horny to handle it. The guys’ job was to keep me bound and controlled and pee on me and provide the cum that would be used on me. As it turned out, the guys were not the only ones who got to pee on me. So much for rules, but who cared?

And don’t worry; I was still going to get fucked. They had all of my toys and a few of their own for that.

Unfortunately, they had more of those fucking metal clamps, too. And Tina put one on each pussy lip. God that hurt. Then she rubbed my clit to get it aroused and put one directly on it. I was trying my best not to cry at this point, but I couldn’t control it. It hurt so bad I couldn’t help myself. Tears ran up into my hair. Or down, depending on how you view it. I was panting and groaning but all that accomplished was to make me move my body, and have the twine pull on the nipple clamps. Shit.

Then Donna and Misty each took a fly swatter and got behind me and started spanking my ass. Not only did this hurt, but it caused me to jump and shake and jerk my nipples again and again against the restraints on them. I was begging them to let up on something. One was bad enough, but the nipples, ass and clit combined were too much for me. Plus all that blood rushing to my brain! I thought I was going to pass out before it was over.

They finally stopped with the spanking and removed the clamps from my pussy. I don’t know if I screamed with that pain, but if I didn’t I don’t know how I kept quiet. Then Eric and Mark pulled the twine on my nipples to try to raise me farther into the air. I was crying out in agony at this. They didn’t raise me far but it was hurting really bad. They held me there and had Misty undo the clamps.

I swung back and forth when she released my nipples. I know I screamed then; I hurt my own ears and the yell echoed around the basement walls. My nipples were in complete agony after she removed the clamps. I wanted desperately to rub them and ease the pain, but of course I couldn’t. Misty stopped me from swinging and she and Tina got down and began sucking my nipples. This hurt but also had me stirring too. My nipples were ultra sensitive now.

Then it was fly swatter time. Now each girl had one (Eric is a sadist. He made sure to have one for each girl). They just walked around me whipping me at will. The air echoed with the sound of plastic smacking girl-flesh as they circled me and beat me with a fever of energy. The whips didn’t hurt so much as they stung. And they made a loud smacking sound when they hit me. It was like a swarm of wasps whose bite made a noise. I was yelping and bopping around, reacting to some hits and trying to avoid others. Fat chance. The five whips were coming at me from all directions, and I could not protect myself or move away. My hoarse voice blended with the sound of the whips hitting flesh and the laughter and giggling of the girls.

I was being hit everywhere, all at once it seemed. From the bottoms of my feet — talk about painful — up and down my thighs, flush on my wide open pussy — that made a wet sound — across my belly and back, and all over my breasts. When one of them hit a nipple the pain screamed through my whole breast like a jolt of electricity. I know I screamed then. Who else in that room would make such awful sounds? But they gave me no sympathy; the whips just kept falling on my vulnerable skin. I felt like I was on fire, burning up slowly from the heat of a nearby roaring blaze. I wailed and begged and pleaded for them to stop. But I refused to use my safe word; I didn’t want them to know I was broken. And then I realized I couldn’t remember it. And they had been instructed to ignore any other plea because it would be natural for me to beg for release. If I really wanted release I would use the safe word. I thought, Pick an easier word next time, you dumb bitch.

I’m not sure how long this actually went on. I was losing track of time a lot by then. But when they stopped beating me, I just hung there panting and weeping. I could hardly breathe. I think now that it may be possible to die of suffocation from a beating or tickling, when you just cannot get enough air into your lungs. But maybe you pass out first, and your body can breathe normally when you are unconscious. Sort of a physical fail-safe mechanism.

When I had regained my breath, altıparmak escort and my eyes were again focusing, I realized I had been sobbing uncontrollably. My face was wet with tears. Actually, my forehead and hair were wet. And some tears had run down into my ears. An odd thought ran through my mind: that tickles.

I looked down (up) at my body, and what I could see looked like I had gotten a sunburn. And that is how my skin felt for a while. It was about this time that Eric announced to the girls that it was Pin-Cathy time. I remember thinking, Oh god. And realized my pussy was leaking all over my ass crack and belly. I was so aroused my body was exuding gobs of pussy juice. I assume this was a result of the whipping, and not in anticipation of the coming torture. But I have begun to stop asking why my body does some of the things it does.

Pin-Cathy time involved the distribution of dozens and dozens of wooden clamps. Thank god the metal clamps were put away. It was back to clothes pins and my girl friends went wild with them, putting them all over me. They were giggling sadistically and behaving like they were decorating a Christmas tree. I couldn’t begin to guess at how many Eric must have brought. I don’t think there was an inch on my poor tits that wasn’t pinned. My pussy was covered with them, too, and they were all up and down my arms and thighs, across my belly and sides. Anywhere they could pinch enough skin to attach one. Eric later told me he brought three bags of 50. There were none left over.

When they took the pins off we entered another phase of cruel sadism. They took them off one by one, sometimes by opening the jaws and releasing the trapped flesh, sometimes by pulling on the end and forcing it to tear itself loose. The pain was excruciating, and I had quit trying to be a tough girl. I just let loose and howled, again and again as they tortured my flesh. The worst, of course were my nipples, breasts, and pussy lips. I’m surprised I didn’t lose my voice, for I screamed bloody blue murder. I’m also surprised the neighbors didn’t hear and call the cops. But who would believe that a woman was being tortured in the basement next door. Not is this nice neighborhood.

When the last pin had been removed, I hung there exhausted and drenched in sweat. I noticed Eric fucking Misty doggie-style as they both watched me from a foot away. I think watching me writhing in agony right in front of them really got them hot. I guess there is a salivating sadist buried in even the most placid of people. Eric was ready in just a few more strokes, but before he came he pulled out and Misty jacked him off onto my face. Donna gave Mark a BJ around this time, and when he came in her mouth, she bent over me and spat it into my face. Along with her built up dose of saliva. What a degrading thing to do to a friend. Bless you girl.

Then they broke out the toys. While I hung there with cum and spittle running off my face, one of them was behind me and started ramming a dildo into my pussy. I don’t know who it was but she just fucked the hell out of me with it. Donna took a fly swatter and would smack my tits or the front of my pussy as this was going on. And just when I started to cum they pulled the dildo out of me and gave my pussy a hard, bare-handed spank that caused me to yelp in both pain and frustration.

Then they introduced me to a new vibrator. It’s pretty much folded or curved. I’ve never seen one like this. It can go into your pussy but is bent to come up over your clit against your front. You could wear it in panties, although it’s a little bulky. But it vibrates both inside you and on your clit at the same time. Eric helped to duct tape it on me and they turned it on and just watched me go.

Eric or Mark brought a chair over and they propped my shoulders and head on it. But it wasn’t for my relief. (By this time my head felt like it was full of all my blood, and my legs felt like they were getting longer by the minute.) It was so each woman could squat over my face and make me lick her to orgasm while that vibrator did its job on me. But on the plus side, this position relieved some of the strain on my legs, a good thing.

This is the part where I pretty much gave in. I let go of any mental resistance and just accepted whatever they wanted to do to me or get our of me. It was one thing being forced to eat Misty and Donna, and even Tina, while everyone watched. I have fucked all of them one on one and with guys. But then when I had to eat two girls who I’ve never been with, and one of whom I had never even met, in front of everyone… well, I really felt like a whore.

And as soon as all five of them had cum on my face they decided to do it again. My neck and shoulders ached, my legs were getting longer, my face was coated in girl cum and pussy juice, and my mouth and tongue were sore. But laughing at my problems, they began again, They took turns sitting on my face, grinding their cunts down on my aching mouth. As I ate them my body erupted in orgasm after orgasm from that strange vibrator running inside my belly and on my swollen, oversensitive clit. By the time I had eaten the five of them to orgasm twice, my jaw ached from the strain, and my mouth was full of the taste and juice of five wet cunts. And my inability to stop my body from responding to that fucking vibrator had me panting with exertion. God, it was hot.

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