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The doorbell rang and I went to answer it, it was Tas. Tas has come to see why my broadband was not working.
A little bit about me first. Let’s start with my name. I’m Louisa, but you can call me Lou; everyone does, even Tas. I’m fifty three and have been a widow for three years. Yes my husband died the day after my fiftieth birthday. He had a stroke. We did make love the night before. I think he only did his duty to me because he had not been interested in sex for over…well a long time; many years in fact. I wasn’t sure, but truthfully, I think he was turning gay.
The stupid bastard after twenty five years of marriage and he turned out like that. Not that I have anything against gay or lesbian people, but I’m not into that and I never thought he was either.
Back to me; I’m six foot three inches tall and I wouldn’t say I was slim, although I wish I was, but I’m not fat. I have what some people may say is a sturdy figure. Even if I say so myself; I look fantastic. I keep myself fit, well as fit as I need to be; and I am firm in all the right places. The best feature about me is my legs. They are thick and firm. My thighs are like tree trunks hard to the touch and I have well defined calf muscles. I have fairly broad shoulders mainly from all the swimming I did. I love to swim; I’m usually out three to four nights a week. My tits are firm, nothing sags on me. I have long blond hair and blue eyes. You may think I’m boasting; but hey, I’m just building a picture to let you know what I look like.
I may have been fifty three in age, but to me I was still in the prime of my life. I have a very pale skin tone, mainly because I don’t tan very easily or at all.
Although I didn’t need to, I did work in a pharmacy. My husband’s life insurance paid out well but even without that he had a highly paid position in a lawyers firm, which left me with quite a tidy sum.
I was making Tas a mug coffee when he called from the upstairs room, “Lou, it’s working.”
I took up his coffee and he told me that I was back on-line.
Let me tell you a little bit about Tas. He lived with his parents next door; I was invited to his eighteenth birthday party last month. He was into his computers and even in a boy so young he could fix a lot of things; he was a regular handyman. He fixed all sorts of things around the house for me.
Tas was not a well-built boy; more the shame for me I thought before all this happened. Tas was small, tiny by comparison to me. He was just five foot tall and quite slender. But he and I got on well together and enjoyed each other’s company. I got on well with his parents too; his mum was the same age as me. The only bit I’ve left out so far is that Tas was what you may call a ‘Jack the lad’ he always boasted about everything he’d done. I personally took his brashness with a pinch of salt, he knew that and that’s partly why we got on fairly well.
He thought he was quite the ladies’ man and tried to act the macho git around them and he knew I never fell for it.
We both finished our drinks while Tas made some final checks.
It was Wednesday night and getting late and Tas said, “Thanks’ for the coffee Lou, I’ll see you Friday. I’ll fix that light fitting for you.” He kissed me on the cheek and his usual light slap on my arse, saucy git, then went home.
I hate to admit it but I did secretly have a thing for Tas. I went to bed that night with lurid thought of Tas in my head. I possessed a dildo and used it in great earnest that night. I made myself cum twice.
It was Thursday morning and I went to work as usual, the day went the usual boring way. I could not wait to get home. Well could not wait to get out of work really. It was almost closing time.
I was further around from the entrance, serving another customer and noticed that Tas had walked into the pharmacy. He looked very sheepish as he walked around the pharmacy. He picked up a couple of things and then I think purposely, he went to another checkout. He had picked up a packet from the front of the counter then paid.
He raised his hand to say, “Hi,” to me; but again sheepishly went off. Now…I knew the only thing he could have picked up form in front of the counter was a pack of rubbers. He’s eighteen and I did know he had a girlfriend, he’s told me about her; in his usual bragging way. I was happy for him.
Thursday night I used my dildo again three times, first was as soon as I got home from work and on all occasions I thought of Tas. And what he was going to do with his girlfriend.
I suppose he was going to use the rubbers over the weekend because he had told me he was seeing his girlfriend then.
It was Friday and again a typical day at work. I usually finished early on Friday’s. I went swimming for a couple of hours then home.
I got home around seven; I had gone straight up for a shower. I’ve never like the showers at the swim facilities and I knew Tas would be around soon.
It’s not unusual for me to be in my dressing gown. I never sex hikaye wear a bra when I’m at home, a pair of knickers would suffice. My hair was wet and I had left it loose behind me.
‘Ding dong…’ I opened the door and it was Tas, I said, “Hi Tas come in and shut the door.”
He walked in and gave me a kiss as usual and I expected the slap on my arse, but it never came. He seemed deflated; his posture was low, he seemed to be sorry for himself. I asked, “Tas you okay? Why so glum?”
He just huffed threw up his shoulders and said, “I’m fine, I got the correct fitting this time, let me get on with it.”
His voice was also subdued; I wondered what was wrong but thought I should not pry. I put my arm around him and we walked over to the sofa. We had to move the sofa so that Tas could get to the fitting overhead.
It was a very quiet Tas, not his usual self, I could not bear it and I had to ask; but just as I was about to…something just stopped me and I could not get the right words out.
I got a small step for Tas so he could reach the fitting. It was a bit unstable as he worked on the fitting. I held the stool as steady as I could for him. He hardly said a word while he worked. I again bit my tongue from wanting to ask him.
My mind wondered; all of a sudden the stool slipped and Tas fell. Luckily he landed onto the sofa which we had moved to the side.
“O shit sorry Tas, you okay?” I was so embarrassed.
Tas picked himself up and I put my arm around him and sat him down.
“Sorry Tas, the step slipped; are you okay? I’m so sorry.”
I was pretty sure he was okay; he had fallen onto the sofa and it cushioned his fall. But I still wanted to know why he was so down. As I have mentioned, Tas was usually always loud and proud a boy’s boy. He always bragged about this that and the other.
I could not bear it I had to ask, I put a hand on his leg and asked, “Tas, I know something is not right, what’s the matter? Is it something I’ve done?”
He looked up and said, “No, it’s not you Lou, you’re great… I… I just… it doesn’t matter.”
I looked back at him and said, “Something’s wrong and I want, no, I demand you tell me and tell me now.”
I placed a hand to the side of his face; he looked so glum and his eyes looked to the floor.
I patted the side of his face very lightly and said, “Look at me, look at me Tas! Tell me what’ wrong. If you don’t tell me I can’t help you. I want to help you; you help me all the time.”
He slowly looked up and said, “It’s my girlfriend, she… “
He stopped and looked down again. With my other hand I grabbed hold of his hand, held it and asked, “What about your girlfriend? I know what you bought the other day at the pharmacy, so I know you haven’t gotten her pregnant… have you?”
Tas looked up and said, “No I haven’t, we never got that far.”
I asked, “So what’s happened? I thought you were seeing her at the weekend.”
The way I sat, I had not realised but my gown had opened up, the top of my tits were in view. I only realised when I noticed Tas kept looking down. I thought he looked towards the floor. To be honest; I did not care that he could see. I was not shy of my figure; so what if he looks.
He then said, “No I saw her last night.”
“So what happened?” I squeezed his hand tighter.
Tas looked down again but that time was definitely to the floor as he said, “I… I’m too embarrassed. I can’t say.”
I did know Tas got on well with his parents. I’m sure he’s a typical boy who doesn’t talk about sex with his mom or dad. So I wanted to offer my ear to him and said, “Tas, you can talk to me, I know it’s probably difficult for you to talk to your mom, but tell me. We’ve been friends for a long time. You don’t have to be shy or embarrassed with me.”
Tas has never been what you might call a shy or quite sort of guy, so it felt very unusual for him to be quite and down like that.
As I talked; I noticed his eyes moved back to my tits and for some reason my eyes looked at his crotch; only because I saw a slight movement there.
Tas looked back up to me and said, “She doesn’t want to see me again.”
I felt saddened for Tas, not sorry for him, just a sadness because I knew him. I knew what sort of guy he was deep down. Not on the surface which he showed everyone. I knew he had a caring side to him too, I asked, “Why not?”
I wanted to know the circumstances and continued, “Tell me what happened? Tell me what you said to her?”
Again his head fell; again at my tits and again I noticed movement in his pants. He fidgeted in his seat.
I raised his head up and said, “Tell me.”
Tas spoke softly; almost in a whisper he said, “She said it’s too big.”
I did hear him, but thought I had maybe not got it right, so I asked, “What do you mean? What’s too big?”
Tas moved a hand to grab the bottom of his tee-shirt and said, “Can I show you?”
I looked down and he raised the bottom of his tee-shirt, sex hikayeleri and bloody hell a massive nob stuck up from under his waist band, couple of inches of shaft but a massive nob-head.
As I looked; he started to lower his top, I grabbed his wrist and stopped him, I said, “Bloody hell Tas, what the hell is that!”
I looked back to him and he said, “See even you think it’s too big.”
I have seen a fair few cocks in my time but this young lad had a whopper. I had only seen the tip of the ice-burg and my pussy got wet and excited. I looked back down at it and said, “Show me all of it.”
Tas whispered again and said, “It’s alright you don’t have to… “
I stopped him in mid-sentence as I said, “I wasn’t asking, I’m telling you to show me all of it.”
Tas was the kind of guy who given half the chance, and a request like that, would shoot up whip his pants off and wave his cock proudly.
He was still very reluctant. I had to be a bit more forceful. I stood up, grabbed and pulled him up by his hand. I made him stand up. I then sat back down.
I was sure he was not going to do it so I undid his button and unzipped him. His nob-head still poked up the top. He had boxers on as well, so I grabbed both waist bands together and lowered them. And I uncovered his cock, it stood straight up, fucking thing was up to his navel, I was sure. I could not make it out because it was hidden by his tee-shirt, which he had let go of.
I looked up and he said, “Well… it’s too big isn’t it?”
I said, “Take your top off.”
Tas looked confused but took his tee-shirt off. He stood there naked in front of me with the biggest fucking cock I’d seen in the flesh. He wasn’t thick, well, thick enough. But his length was amazing and his nob-head was very large.
I looked on and was amazed with the sight in front of me. There stood a young boy, small in frame, but had a cock you could share out to three men. The cock looked so disproportionate to the body it was attached to.
“Come closer.” I asked.
He did not move; so I reached out and grabbed his cock, I still could not believe that was his cock. It was like he had stolen it from a giant. I pulled him closer and said, “I’m going to see how you taste.”
There was no way I was going to leave that thing un-sucked; it stood there in front of me. Every cell in my body told me what I needed to do.
I spat onto the shaft and rubbed my hand up and down that cock. I moved my mouth towards his huge nob. I licked the pre-cum off his tip and put the nob into my mouth. I looked up and saw he had his eyes closed. I stroked him only about three times, barely had the chance to suck that head when he blasted a massive cum load into my mouth.
He looked down and said, “Sorry, I’m sorry.”
I swallowed down his cum and then said, “Don’t be sorry Tas, its fine. You must be very excited.”
He said, “O yeah, I’m definitely exited.”
He did cum very easily, even for a boy who must have jerked off a lot and fuck a few times.
Then a thought came into my head, ‘Was he…?’
I wondered, I now had to know, I asked, “Tas have you ever had sex.”
From Tas’s general personality and brashness you would have thought he had fucked a hundred girls. He still had a sorry look to his face when he said, “I do jerk off a lot.”
I thought then that there were some home truth’s coming out. Tas may not be as ‘manly’ and ‘worldly wise’ as he had made out to be.
I let go of his cock and stood up, but had to crouch down a bit to hug him and with my lips close to his ear I asked in a soft whisper, “That’s not what I’m asking, have you had sexual intercourse? Have you fucked a woman?”
He slumped in my arms and said, “No, that’s what I wanted to do last night.”
I said, “So she got scared of what you had.”
He said, “Not just her, but the one before as well.”
I released him from my hug and took hold of his face with both hands and asked, “Would you like to have sex today, tonight, with me?”
A smile came across his face; I loved the way he smiled. He was quite handsome boy. But for some reason his smile faded as he said, “Do you think my cock is too… too big for a woman?”
I hugged him again; literally picked him up and said, “You have a big cock. There’s no denying it. But would you like me to see if I can take that into me?”
He looked happier and asked, “I would like to try?”
The very thought was in my head also, I wanted to not just try; I wanted that thing in me.
I put him down and started to undo my gown. His eyes bulged out and stared at my tits which became on view to him for the first time in full. I pushed out my chest and took hold of his hand and placed it on my tit, he squeezed it lightly.
I asked, “Do you like me?”
He looked up; as I have mentioned, Tas is only five foot tall and as we were both stood, he had to look up to look at me, well my face anyway.
I had fully removed my gown and all I had on were seks hikaye the skimpy pair of red knickers. Tas said, “You’re beautiful Lou.”
‘Ahh such a nice boy,’ I said, “Thank you Tas, would you like to have a bit of fun?”
I knew he would not say no to an offer like that from me. He was certainly not going to say no to fuck a body like mine that was for sure. The other thing I was certain of was that he’d probably wanted to do that for a long time.
I was overcome with a hot, incredibly hot sensation all over my body; it tingled. I was going to be Tas’s first. I was going to have Tas’s virginity. I was going to have that big cock in my pussy and I was going to love it. Every inch of that boy’s fucking rod. And if it all goes right, I’ll not need that dildo ever again. No, hold on, let’s not be too hasty; I’ll keep the dildo.
I grabbed his hand and led him upstairs. I was not surprised that his cock was still up and hard, even though he had just blown a load. He was a virgin, he was young, he was full of vitality and he was full of vigour and hopeful full of more cum.
As we entered my bedroom, I took off my knickers and threw them to one side and sat on the bed. I saw a change in Tas; his usual big headed confidence seemed to have returned. Some of that was him knowing that I was willing to take his cock. He proudly walked up to me and stuck his cock right into my face. I grabbed his long hard cock, I mustered up a lot of saliva in my mouth; I had to lick and cover a big fucking cock.
I started at the base and licked along its length to the top, it took a while. I could grab Tas’s cock with both hands and still stick his big nob into my mouth. I stroked gently at first. I didn’t want a repeat of earlier, with him shooting off too quickly.
I looked him in the eye as I blew him off. After a while I started to tighten my grip and increased my sucking. Tas seemed to appreciate that; he grabbed my head and ran his fingers through my still wet hair.
Tas said, “No one’s ever even attempted to suck my cock before. Its feels so nice, you do it so well.”
Tas lasted longer that time, much longer. It must have been seven or eight minutes when he grabbed my head and started to thrust his hips. I thought he was close to blowing again. I let go of one hand and cupped his balls, I played and squeezed his balls. I further increased my grip and stroked at a faster rate. I sucked and swirled my tongue around his big nob, he released pre-cum like it was on tap. He tasted oh so fucking like a virgin.
He seemed to get his ego back and was big headed again; he said, “You suck a nice cock Lou, suck it harder.”
I was really surprised that it had been at least fifteen minutes and he had still not cum. But then he grabbed my head and held it still while he thrust his hips hard into my willing mouth.
He shouted out, “Here it comes Lou, take another load.”
He shot a load straight down the back of my throat; I swallowed. I opened my mouth and stroked him hard, I milked that cock as he blew load after load into my mouth. I managed to swallow the fucking lot. I thought I had done well, let alone him.
He said, “That was great Lou, you’re so fuckin’ hot.”
I let his cock go and he stepped back; his cock still hard, cum still oozed out and he kept complimenting me and said, “That was incredible Lou, thanks.”
I was just as turned on as he was. I reached out and grabbed his cock and licked off the dripped remnants of his cum, I said, “It’s unbelievable that you’ve cum twice now and you’re still fuckin’ hard. How do you do it?”
I threw myself backwards onto the bed and called him over; I still could not believe his cock was hard. Okay, it had lost a bit of stiffness, but he wasn’t soft and limp like most cocks get after cumming, and he had cum twice. Oh god I’m going to love fucking Tas. The thought of fucking Tas released juices in my pussy.
Tas sat on his knees besides me and I grabbed his cock; I squeezed it to assess how hard he was. I looked at Tas and weighed up in my head that I could not lay on top of him, I may squash him to death; so I said, “Let me lay down Tas, get on top.”
I grabbed his cock and asked, “Would you like to kiss my pussy?”
Again what man can resist an offer like that; Tas said, “You bet I would.”
Tas positioned himself on top and stared to lick my slit. I opened my legs wider and raised my knees slightly. He placed his hands under my arse and grabbed a handful in both hands, he licked and started to suck on my clit. He was quite rough and very keen, but then what does one expect from a pure novice.
I was happy with his zeal; I love being mauled. This almost gave me an instant orgasm mainly because of the anticipation of fucking that virgin.
I was not sure if Tas liked my flow of juices, I asked, “How do I taste? Do you like it?”
He rose up and said, “I think you taste great, I love drinking this juice, it’s better than the canned stuff.” He must have referred to his usual beer I presumed.
He went back and sucked my clit; I stroked that big shaft and spat on it so many times. I bobbed my head on his big-head with a great hunger to have his wonderful sweet seed sliding down my throat.
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