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This is a story of erotic fiction. It is meant to be enjoyed by adults with an open mind. If you are not such a person…please do not read this story…
This happened about ten years ago. The story starts slowly as there is a lot to explain, but there is enough to interest most everyone.
It was one of those pivotal years that we all seem to go through. This one was rougher than most on me. I had been divorced once and was living with a woman for over four years. Vicky had met me about a year after my divorce. She was a sweet woman who really enjoyed being with me, or so I thought. We weren’t legally married but we had been cohabitating long enough to make it common-law. So it was quite a shock when she up and left me.
Our relationship had gotten “stale” lately. Same sex, same conversations, same coming home from work routines. One day I came home from work and found a note on the table…she had left me for someone who had literally swept her off her feet. Someone younger, exciting and daring…I looked around and sure enough, all of her belongings were gone. Fortunately, the condo and car were in my name, and we had separate bank accounts, which was a good thing as I still had alimony payments!
Still, I was devastated. For six months I went on a self-destructive binge. Never staying with any woman for any length of time, and to make sure that my next woman would find me exciting…I tried just about everything sexually. I did sex in every position, I ran with friends who were into and taught me about BDSM, bondage, submission (where I found I wasn’t a good sub), domination (which I liked much better than submission) and role-play.
Fortunately I listened and learned well. While I was making good money, what disposable income I had was being spent on women and toys. Still, I was mad at the world and angry at my misfortune…which of course could not have been my fault!
Then fate gave another heave and I won a lottery! A million dollar house! The prize included an 8,000 square foot house the second floor of which had five bedrooms including a master suite, guest suit and three very well appointed bedrooms that shared a large bathroom. The first floor included a study, ball-room, a pool room with billiard and pool table, a formal dining room, a huge kitchen with eating area, two powder rooms, a three car garage, a swimming pool, a large Jacuzzi and backyard secluded by trees with a beautiful view out over the river. As there was nobody on the other side of the river, the backyard was indeed quite private.
The basement came complete with a home theatre, which included an overhead projection television projecting onto a 119-inch screen (quite rare at that time). The basement also had a sort of game area behind the theatre, which included a couple of pinball games and a six-sided card table. There was also a weight room complete with workout equipment, sauna and shower. There was a large room that was carpeted but not given any defined role and a wine cellar with over $2,000 worth of wine (cheap by todays standards but worth it at the time)!
The prize included two nice cars, taxes paid on the house for a year, $500 a month for food for a year, cable and $150,000 in cash! All total, $1.2 million in prizes. After selling my condo and the old car, and paying all my debts, I still had almost $200,000 cash in the bank!
Once I had moved in, I decided that I wanted to throw a party. I was on the Internet in an adult contact group at that time so I let out the word that I would be holding an adult theme PJ party. I had lots of people say they would like to join me at the party and after checking out profiles sent out about three dozen invitations to couples and single men and women. I also got a hold of some of my dominant friends (remember my earlier play?) and they supplied me with about a dozen men and women to help with the service and to drive local people home after the party for which, of course, they received invitations. All told, I was expecting around 65 people at the party.
As the party was scheduled for Friday evening, I took the day off work and had my servants arrive early to help set things up. We cleaned the pool and the spa, the workout equipment was put away and several devices designed for various sexual follies were put in their place in the exercise room. We stripped all of the beds and left just simple sheets on them. We strew plenty of various shaped pillows over the spare room in the basement making it a “play” room for an orgy! I had rented several porn tapes to be played and finally we set up a spread in the formal dining room. To finish it all off, we placed plenty of condoms in each of the rooms that I thought would be used for sex.
Well with a dozen eager hands, we quickly completed our tasks and everything was ready by six o’clock. With nothing to do, I took several of the servants to my bedroom and thoroughly enjoyed them for the next two hours! I then had them wash me and dress otele gelen escort me for the party. As I normally sleep nude, I chose to wear nothing but black silk boxers and slippers! Mind the servants were dressed to reveal rather than cover their bodies, if they were dressed at all!
By nine o’clock, I was at the door greeting my guests as they arrived. Also greeting the guests were the people who had lent me the servants. Each was dressed in a different colour with their respective servants wearing a collar of the same colour. After more than half the guests had arrived, I opened the dining room, took a turn at the pool table and then led off the dancing in the ballroom and backyard. I made a cannon ball into the pool soaking many of the guests loitering around the deck, spent a few minutes talking to guests in the Jacuzzi, turned on the first porn tape, opened the exercise and “play” room and generally circulated through the common areas of the house.
However, having sated my lust earlier in the evening, I found that I just wasn’t interested in sex, even though many of the guests were quite delectable! As a result, around midnight I found myself involved in a poker game. Six of us started out with $500 cash each, and I found myself steadily winning until around three o’clock in the morning when what would turn out to the be the last hand dealt me a straight flush in spades 7 high! Well most of the other players put their money in the pot and then bowed out, leaving David across from me and myself still playing. At that point there was about $500 dollars more than David had in the pot and I waited to see his next move.
David told me he didn’t have any more money to put into the pot and asked if I would consider a trade? He told me that he would give me his girlfriend to use for the night to cover the bet. I thought about it for a while then told him that an escort service would charge me $100 dollars for the night and the woman might charge me $100 to $150 dollars more for “extras”. I would expect his girlfriend to be very compliant for $500 dollars a night! I also told him that as the night was almost over, that I would keep her for Saturday and he could pick her up Saturday evening.
David agreed and said that she would be compliant but I wanted to hear that from her. Veronica turned out to be a petit brunet, about 5′ tall. She couldn’t have weighed more that 100lbs soaking wet. She was about 28 years old. She wore a very conservative (for this party) opaque white satin Teddy with matching panties. She also wore a garter belt with sheer white nylons and opened toed stiletto heels. She was pretty in a pixie type of way. She had 34B cup breasts that stood out proudly and looked quite large on her small frame. She also had a nice firm ass.
David explained the situation.
At first she was quite incensed, but he showed her his hand. There was a “Winning Hand for Poker” poster on the wall behind him and she scanned it quickly. From where she was looking, I thought he might have three of a kind or perhaps even a full house. She agreed to go through with it.
However, I wanted to milk this so asked to be able to check out the offering! She glared at her boyfriend but made her way to my side of the table. I had her slowly turn around and ran my hands up her legs and over her very nice ass. As she turned to face me, I slipped my hand under her Teddy and felt her breasts. Her nipples popped out to full attention. They were quite large and were displayed predominantly under the Teddy! I lowered my hand again and slipped a finger under the elastic of her panties. She was wet!
I asked her why she had come to the party. She told me that she and her boyfriend were interested in swapping and or threesomes, but that she had chickened out.
I asked her if she understood the full implications of being my “property” for a day. I told her that she would have to do whatever I wished without hesitation or complaint, that she wouldn’t have the option of “chickening out”. I told her that she would be used sexually and might even be shared amongst my friends. That she would in fact be a sex slave. Her eyes flickered to her boyfriend. After a moment she said she understood.
I asked her is she gave good head. She blushed as she told me that she wasn’t very good at it. She blushed even more when I told her she would learn to do it properly should her boyfriend loose. I agreed to the trade.
It was still David’s turn to make the wager. He and Veronica held a whispered consultation. After a heated discussion she agreed to whatever he had asked of her. He then asked if he could bump up the pot and offer his girlfriend for another evening in exchange for another $500!
I told him that I only had $350 dollars left to bet. I explained that if he agreed to my marker I would be good for the remainder. I then suggested that if he accepted I could bump up the pot once more and make it an mecidiyeköy escort even $1000. I told them I would make up the other $650 if I lost and that if he lost he could collect Veronica Sunday evening.
David looked to Veronica. They held another lengthy whispered consultation and then agreed to my plan. With a wicked grin, David put his cards down. I had guessed right, Full House, Queens over Jacks. Very nice hand!
David smiled and Veronica closed her eyes for a moment. I’m not sure if she was relieved that she was spared or upset at not loosing!
I put down the three of spades, then the four, followed by the five. David’s grin began to slip. Veronica nervously checked out the “Winning Hands” poster. I put down the six of spades then looked at both of them.
“If this is the seven of spades”, I said, “You’ve lost. Any other card and you win.” I looked back and forth between them then slowly lowered the seven of spades. David’s jaw dropped almost to the table. Veronica suddenly looked very pale. For a moment, I thought she would faint.
“Are you going to make me do this?” she asked.
“If I had lost, would you have made me redeem that $650 marker?” I asked in return. From the look on their faces, I knew the answer to that one. “David owes me $1500. You have agreed to cover that money for him.” I told her. “Yes. I will collect on this wager. Either the money…or you.”
“Stand up David.” I instructed. “Give your girlfriend a hug and a kiss. For the remainder of the weekend she is mine to play with.”
He gave her a long lingering hug. They embraced tightly as they whispered quietly together, begging forgiveness and shoring each other up. Finally he let her go. A tear was rolling down her cheek a she turned to face me.
“You will be my slave for the rest of the weekend. Do you understand what that means?” I asked.
“Sort of.” She whispered.
“You have seen the servants and there naked or near naked state?” I asked. She nodded. “They are each somebody’s sex slave. Each wears a collar of the colour of his/her Master or Mistress.”
I had earlier sent Christa, one of the servants, to get some drinks and a collar. Just at that moment she had returned. I had her give the drinks to David and Veronica and took the one proffered to me. I also held up a black leather collar.
“A toast” I said, lifting my glass. “To the weekend.” and then downed my drink. They reluctantly followed suit. “Now my dear I want you to raise your hands above your head and leave them there until I tell you otherwise.”
She did as she was told. “Now David, remove her top.” I ordered. They looked at me in shock. “Come David,” I said, “You are the one who has put her in this situation, you must hand her over to me!” I said with a grin.
David’s face paled. He looked around but found no sympathy on the faces of those who were watching. He moved behind his girlfriend and slowly lifted her top gently pulling it off of her. Her breasts were everything that I expected and more. Well shaped with thick nipples a soft red in colour. I knew that I would enjoy her!
“Now David, remove her panties.” I ordered. David reached down and lowered her panties. She had cut and shaved her pubic hair in a “Brazilian” styled patch. Framed by her garters, it was simple and elegant. The unique odor of a woman aroused reached me even from across the table! Oh yeah, she was excited! She stood arms raised, proudly naked, though a flush tinged her cheeks and neck, spreading slowly to the tops of her breasts.
“You may lower your arms to your side.” I told her. “Now both of you come and stand before me.” I ordered. When they had complied, I raised the collar. “This is the symbol of your obedience, your desire to please me.” I said. “Once this has been placed on you, you will be mine to use as I please. Do you understand the meaning of this collar?” I asked.
“Yes” she whispered.
“Do you accept this collar?” I asked.
Once more she reluctantly whispered “Yes.”
I gave the collar to David. It took him a moment to realize what I expected of him and I enjoyed watching the reaction on his face! Slowly, reluctantly, he placed the collar on his girlfriend’s neck. When he was finished, he did not know what to do. Head bowed, hands at his side, he waited for something to happen. I didn’t disappoint him.
“By what slave name do you wish to be known?” I asked her.
“Vicky” she told me.
My heart thudded hard! This woman was innocent of my past, but she had just unwittingly given me the means by which I would expunge the ghosts of that past!
“From this moment forward,” I told her, “if you are addressed as Veronica, I will be giving you a choice to participate or not. However, when I address you as “Vicky”, you will not have any choice in whether you participate in what I ask. Do you understand Veronica?”
“Yes” she whispered.
“Yes Master!” I told her sternly.
She looked türkmen escort up at me hesitantly, then lowered her eyes and shyly said “Yes Master.”
I ordered her to kneel before me and had her place her hands behind her back.
“Remove my briefs.” I ordered. She immediately started to bring her hands to me. “No!” I barked. “Not with your hands!”
She looked up at me briefly (pardon the pun) and then looked at the task at hand or rather mouth!
She moved forward and grasping my briefs with her teeth slowly lowered her head, bringing the briefs down with her. I stepped out of them and moved in front of her, reached out and cupped her chin in my hands.
“It’s time to learn how to give a blowjob!” I whispered quietly to her.
Her eyes opened wide, I briefly thought of a deer in my headlights. She looked down at my hard cock and licked her lips. Her tongue reached out and slowly began to trace around my prick. Very tentatively she began to slide up and down my hard-on. When she got to the top, she slurped up the pre-cum that was sitting there.
I looked over briefly to see what Dave was doing. His eyes were riveted on her mouth, watching as she began to suck and lick at me. I grabbed hold of her head and began to move it a little more briskly. She couldn’t handle it well at all.
I looked to Christa and motioned towards David. She smiled and moved over to him. She quickly fell to her knees and then began to remove his PJ bottoms. I told Veronica to watch how it was done.
She stared wide-eyed as Christa began to suck on her boyfriend’s prick. Christa was an experienced cocksucker and it showed! David was groaning and grunting as he moved his cock back and forth in her mouth. Veronica was blushing again as she watched the more experienced Christa go through her motions.
She looked up at me briefly and then began to try and emulate what Christa was doing. I stopped her for a moment and told her that enthusiasm was the key, not speed or depth. She thought about that for a moment as she watched Christa do her boyfriend then turned once more towards me. This time she did a much better job of licking and sucking.
Suddenly Dave let out a much louder moan, we both turned to watch as he quite obviously unloaded in Christa’s mouth. She sucked him clean, licking the last of his cream from the tip of his prick so Veronica could watch. She looked over at Veronica and smiled briefly then moved back and waited for further instructions as David collapsed into a chair.
I’d had enough preparation and wanted to get off. I pulled Veronica up and pushed her face down on the table. I stepped behind her and brushed my cockhead over her slit. I split the seam of her cunt and pushed gently into her. My first thrust brought me 1/3 of the way home. I pulled back and pushed forward once more. This time my pubic hair brushed her ass. Once more I pulled and pushed and finally bottomed out inside her.
We both groaned loudly as I seated myself in her pussy. I held myself there and waited. It didn’t take long before she began to move.
Picking up on her cue, I began to move in opposition to her, helping her to help me slide in and out. Before long we were fucking briskly, my crotch slamming against her ass as I pumped her harder and harder.
With all the sexual tension of the last 20 minutes it didn’t take me long to reach my peak. I slammed into her one last time and with a grunt unleashed my load! Having fucked earlier in the evening I didn’t have much to give her, but I felt two strong blasts and two weaker ones spurt into her body!
Spent, I rested on her back for a moment then pulled out and turned her around.
“Clean me” I ordered, and she quickly complied! When she was finished she looked up at me expectantly.
“Now Vicky, go to David and show him what you have!” I ordered.
She flushed briefly and then winked at me as she stood up. She moved over to Dave and placed her foot up on his chair. Her cunt was in his face as she spread her swollen pussy lips with her fingers.
“Clean me.” She whispered to him.
“No way!” he exclaimed in shocked surprise!
Quick as a wink, she grabbed the back of his head and shoved him into her crotch. “You lick me clean you bastard!” She growled! “Your the one who put me in this situation!”
With his face pressed into her crotch there wasn’t much he could do except force himself back from her, which we all knew would have been a major mistake on his part, or concede to her wishes.
Dave took a few tentative swipes at her pussy and then, resigned to the inevitable, began to lick her clean. Slowly at first, Veronica began to move her body. The more Dave licked, the more she moved. A flush began to creep over skin. Her mouth opened and her breathing became more intense. Both hands were now on his head, not only to move him about, but also to steady herself. Soon she was panting loudly. With a whimper, she threw her head back and came hard!
She fell into his lap and kissed him gently. Her head snapped down to his crotch and then back to his face. He blushed bright red. I knew that he must have a hard-on and also that she knew the significance of it! The dynamics of their relationship has just permanently changed!
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