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Natalie absolutely needed an A in her high school math class, so her step-father, Paul, spared no expense to achieve that, hiring a retired math teacher to tutor her. Today, Paul wanted to speak to the tutor about her progress, so he drove home earlier than usual to their farm a little outside of town. As he went to the second floor, he heard noises from Natalie’s room. Confused and dismayed, he paused and listened. Natalie was the daughter of his wife from her first marriage. His wife was of Korean descent, with a cute small body and a very sexy face with almond eyes. Her daughter had developed into the cutest teen imaginable. Her face and body were a perfect Western-Asian mix. It sounded like sex, but it could also be suppressed cries of pain. Unsure what to do, he continued to listen. The math tutor was supposed to be there, but maybe he left earlier today, and Natalie had her boyfriend – if she had one – at home. He couldn’t possibly burst into the room. Natalie would never forgive him for that. But if it wasn’t her boyfriend, and they were screams of pain, then he would never forgive himself for not intervening. He had an idea. Natalie’s room faced northwest and had no blinds. If he climbed onto the garage, he could peek inside. Armed with a two-by-four to break the window if necessary, he climbed up. He looked carefully around the corner and what he saw was unexpected. No, it wasn’t her boyfriend who was with Natalie, but the math teacher. But neither was studying math. The noise had been, and still was, sounds of pleasure. Natalie with her petite 155 cm was on all fours on her bed, which was on the opposite side from the window against the wall. He saw her in profile. Naked. The teacher, also naked, pumped his prick into her pussy and held her narrow pelvis in position. Why did she choose this position? Probably so that his beer belly wasn’t in the way. Natalie moaned and her small tits jiggled with every push. Paul almost fell off the roof, but he collected himself quickly. He didn’t have to see anything more. But he could not avert his eyes. They fucked in complete harmony. It was obviously fun for both, and Natalie was so provocatively cute. Just like the teens he saw in porn clips. After a few minutes, he was able to unglue his eyes and he climbed down. Too türbanlı gaziantep escort great was the danger that both of them would look at the window, perhaps when changing positions. He wasn’t sure what to do, so he got into the car and drove aimlessly on the country roads, while his head was full of the pictures of his step-daughter and how her small body was dominated by the very massive teacher. A little earlier than his “normal” time, he drove up again and opened the door loudly. The house was quiet. The teacher was just coming down, Natalie behind him, the teacher in a suit and Natalie in jeans and a T-shirt. Nothing suggested that the two had fucked wildly an hour ago. “It’s good that you’re still here, Mr. Penner. Can we talk about Natalie?” said Paul. “Natalie, please, can you get dinner ready?” Natalie gave her step-dad a hug, as always, and ran light-footed into the kitchen. Paul showed the teacher to his study. “First of all, I would like to know about Natalie’s progress. Will she get the A grades?” “The next four weeks she still has to study. But she’s doing well.” “I want you to stop tutoring.” “How come? So close to the finish line now? There is still some material she needs to study to finish and meet her goals.” “Well, you’ve already achieved a goal that she does well at!” said Paul indignantly. “I don’t know what you mean.” “Well, seducing my step-daughter and sleeping with her!” “I beg your pardon?” asked Mr. Penner. “Sleep, fuck, bang, shag. I don’t know which word you understand, but you stop!” “Ah, now I understand. Well, we are both grown up. Natalie is eighteen and can do what she wants. “ “But not in my house!” After a few moments, Mr. Penner replied in a calm voice, “Would it be more desirable for you in the car or in the bushes? But who knows what could happen there.“ “Nothing is more desirable to me, Mr. Penner. That stops! And I also pay for it!” “That’s not correct. You pay me for 90 minutes of tutoring. What Natalie and I do afterwards is our private business.“ Paul lost patience. “If you fuck her for free, you can give her free tutoring.” “But that would make Natalie a prostitute,” said Mr. Penner in a dry tone. “How is that?” “Well, if Natalie paid for my tutoring gaziantep türbanlı escort bayan service with her sex service, then that’s prostitution. Do you want Natalie to be a whore?” He smiled mischievously. “Why do mathematicians always have to be so logical?” Paul shouted. And when Mr. Penner had to smile, Paul also calmed down a bit. “How do you know about us? Did Natalie tell you?” “I got home a little earlier today to talk to you about Natalie, and then I heard groans from the room. I didn’t know what was going on, but also didn’t want to burst into Natalie and her boyfriend’s private time – so I thought. But to make sure it wasn’t some burglar or such, I climbed onto the garage roof and saw you two. You were just doggy-fucking.” Mr. Penner replied, “Do me a favor, please. Do it for Natalie’s sake and don’t confront her. It’s poison before graduation. She has to concentrate now and can’t stand anger – as I said, she is of legal age and can actually decide for herself, but a bad mood is definitely bad for school.“ Paul became thoughtful, and in the end, he nodded. “Okay, I agree, but only until graduation. Then I’ll kick Natalie out. Then she can live with you, her lover.” And then he added, “Which of you started it?” “Well, it just happened. I like teens, and Natalie someday confessed to me that she can’t do anything with boys of her age and that she likes older men.“ “Perverse!” “Well, there are worse things,” said Mr. Penner. Paul held his head in both hands. Again, he had the picture of them both on the bed in his mind. “Do you at least use condoms?” Paul was getting used to the situation. “Sure, of course. And Natalie also uses the pill for contraception. A condom can burst.“ Paul continued to nag. “But hopefully it’s just sex and not love, isn’t it?” Mr. Penner had to laugh. “Nah, don’t worry, your future son-in-law won’t be older than you. Just sex. As I said, I love teens and your step-daughter is really a hottie.” Paul paused for the longest time, his thoughts racing. “Then okay. And if you both have fun with it, and it’s nothing serious, who am I to be against it?“ Paul thought about it. He recalled the picture of his teenage step-daughter and the man three times her age again. gaziantep türbanlı escort He sighed. “Since we know each other now in a kind of intimate way, I think we can call each other by first name then.” Paul got up and held out his hand to Mr. Penner. “My name is Paul.” “And I am Roger.” Finally, Paul could relax a bit. “Roger, your cock looked really great the way it worked her pussy.” Paul got really horny because he couldn’t forget the sight of a teen fucking, and that was also noticeable in his language. “She has a great body and is full of energy. An old fart like me is pretty much pushed to my limits.” Roger laughed. “But that also means that you won’t kick Natalie out after graduation, right?” Paul replied, “No, I won’t. It was just a first impulse. I love Natalie way too much for that. “ Roger had to laugh again. “Quite the caring father. I think that’s really good of you. May I change to a different topic? When was the last time you fucked really wildly, if I may ask?“ “Yes, after the death of my wife, Natalie’s mother, there was of course little going on. But then last year I dated again,” confessed Paul. He took a deep breath. “Each girl was about half my age.” “Wow, do you think young girls are cool too?” Paul just nodded. “What if Natalie weren’t your step-daughter?” “Then I would have watched you even longer.” Something stirred in Paul’s pants.Just as he was about to answer, he heard Natalie call out from the kitchen, “How much longer do you need? The pasta is ready!”“We’re coming!” Paul replied.Roger said, “You should know something, Paul. When we fuck, Natalie sometimes says ‘Papa’ to me.” Paul was completely taken aback. What did that mean? Both went to the hallway in silence. To sort his thoughts a little, Paul said he would go into the cellar and look for a bottle of wine. Then in the basement, he thought even more of Natalie. When she was fucking, she said his name! Roger used the time that Paul was away to tell Natalie that her papa now knew everything. When Paul came back upstairs, he suggested that Roger stay for dinner. They didn’t talk a lot while eating and the elephant in the room wasn’t spoken about. Paul didn’t even know that Roger had told Natalie everything. They talked about some unimportant stuff, but Natalie was very happy that Paul and Roger got along well. Paul saw in the corner of his eye how Natalie and Roger gave each other meaningful looks, but not a word about the charged relationship and preferences of the three. But the wine had its effect and the conversation slowly became livelier. After dinner, they sat down in the living room and enjoyed the tiramisu, Paul on the couch, and Natalie and Roger in the two leather armchairs.
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