Path of the Raven

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My device was still on medium as I exited the limo – I had two orgasms on the way over to city hall. It had started to rain, so my driver, after opening the door for me, used his umbrella to keep me dry. I wobbled up the courthouse steps with my pussy vibrating, and the greeter opened the glass doors for me. Being a lawyer in a law firm – albeit one that simply does paperwork and research at my level – I’d been here many times. No one was looking at me funny, so I assumed no one could hear my vibrating buddy. I held the briefcase tightly up against my body with both arms, it was less about protection and more about me bleeding off energy from a trembling pelvis.Think about it: How would you behave if you were having an orgasm in public?Women love sex if it’s done right. More to the point, we need it – we just can’t be as open about it due to society and we have to be in the right state of mind. Having a vibrator in my pussy on medium was driving me to almost constant orgasm. I had to concentrate not to have one. At times, I had to stand with my feet together and flex all the muscles in my legs. I was cumming now, but I had to hide it. Horny doesn’t begin to describe what I was feeling.For the men, try to imagine your cock constantly being in a pocket milking machine. A hot, wet one. It doesn’t care if you’re in public. It doesn’t care if you’re in a meeting. It doesn’t care if you’ve just had an orgasm. It doesn’t care if you’re around your wife or family. It doesn’t care if you’re hungry xnxx or trying to sleep. It just doesn’t stop! Now try to hide what it does to you from others.Don’t get me wrong, I love it and wouldn’t change it for the world…but it does have that drawback, but that’s also part of the point.I was escorted past the metal detectors and shown into an office. The lone man behind the desk was in his early twenties and obviously someone’s intern. He had short blonde hair and blue eyes on a rather skinny frame. He wore a long-sleeved, button-up dress shirt with a clip-on black tie. I put the briefcase next to the desk and looked at him, my heart pounding, no longer being able to hold in my sex drive – I was on the verge of another orgasm – and all the muscles in my legs were flexing.He looked at me concerned. “Can I help you?”I nodded a single time and replied, “I need you to fuck me. Please.”He smiled and said, “you must be Raven.””Please!” I said with emphasis.He took my hand and guided me to the desk, slowly bent me over it, and lifted up my dress. “Don’t worry, we’ll give you what you need, whore. We’ve been expecting you.”I heard him unzip and moments later, he gently slipped inside of me. I exhaled a deep sigh of relief. The point of the vibrator was to prime me for the real thing, and he was giving me the real thing.He was long and thin but also very hard. He used slow, full strokes pulling out to his head each time. “Is that better, Raven?”I nodded as I pulled my knees up onto the desk, bakire porno and spread them wide. “Yes. Thank you.””They told me that a middle-aged woman with big titties would be coming by today. New to the organization. A horned-up whore that just wanted cock. They told me to have lots of it ready for you” he said flatly as he worked in and out of me.I lowered my head and moaned. “They were right, stud.”Another man entered the room from behind me. He walked around to my face and slid his cock into my mouth slowly. “Easy, girl. Nice and easy. Enjoy it. Take your time, after all, we’ve got plenty of men here for you. You’re going to be busy past midnight.”He put his hands on both sides of my head and took control. Slow, deep strokes.The man behind me, I’ll call him ‘Billy’ because he looked so young, reached under me and massaged my clit as he used my cunt slowly. “Go on. The look on your face says you’ve been holding back an orgasm – let it go. Give it to me, Raven. Be a whore, no need to hide it anymore.”I pushed back against him hard and deep. He held my legs in place. All I could do was squeal as I creamed on his cock.”Such a hungry little pussy you have there, Raven. All you want is cock and you don’t care what you have to do to get it.”He glided into me a few more times, then held it. He was already cumming. Men like the vibrator in my pussy, too. “Oh yeah, Raven. Right there. You’ve got a nice little pussy on you. Very tight and very smooth. You make bedava porno a great whore.”He pulled out once he went soft. He walked around to my front and the man in front walked behind me. “Beg me to get me hard again, Raven.”I looked up at him as best I could and asked, “may I please get you hard again? May I please suck your cock?”He nodded as he slid it into my mouth. “You may, Raven. Such a cock hungry whore, begging for cock like that.””Beg me to fuck your ass for you,” the man behind me said.”Could you please do me a favor and fuck my ass for me? I’ve never done it, and I really want it.”Billy looked at the man behind me. “Nice and easy. Take it slow. It’s her first anal.”He slapped the head of his cock on my asshole a few times before he slowly began to push in. I grabbed the desk with both hands because I was telling the truth, I’ve never done anal. I gasped for air. Like his friend, he was long and thin. I felt like my ass was on fire with pain shooting through my body but I was a whore now, I had to get used to this.Within a few strokes, I found myself pushing back against him, wanting him deeper and harder. It still hurt like hell, but I liked it. I could feel an orgasm building from it. My grunts of pain were quickly followed by moans of pleasure.I heard the distinct sound of high heels on tile. A woman had entered the room, not that I cared because I was savoring the cock in my mouth – he felt SO fucking good – and the man in my ass was taking me gently, but taking me nonetheless.Whomever she was she reached under me to massage my clit. “Is this her? Is this Raven?””Yes, ma’am,” Billy replied.”How’s her pussy?” She asked rubbing me harder but not faster. All I could do was begin breathing out of my mouth and moan.

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