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This is a story about a Pastor in a small, conservative southern church who develops a desire to watch his younger wife have sex with another man. This is a continuation, and likely the concluding chapter of a three-part story. Although not necessary, for the best experience, I strongly recommend reading the first two chapters where the characters develop and the storyline is established. This is a cuckold story. It also contains a scene where there is a sexual encounter between the husband and the other man. If this kind of story offends you, please find something else to read that is more to your liking. I ask that you not give me a one-star rating only because you were offended. Please base your rating on the quality of the writing and the presentation of the story. Thank you.
Ben had been noticing that the Pastor really needed a shed in the garden area to store all the tools and equipment as well as many of the things cluttering the garage. He heard there was some chance the lumber mill would be hiring him back in a few weeks as business was starting to pick up there. That would mean he would be moving out of their home. But he didn’t say anything to the Pastor or Samantha.
For the last three nights, Ben had been sleeping in the Pastor’s bed with Samantha, the Pastor’s wife, and having sex with her while the Pastor watched. Each time now, the Pastor would prepare Ben for sex with his wife by being Ben’s “fluffer”, getting him erect with his hands and his mouth. That was the agreement for the Pastor to be allowed in the room as an observer. Both the Pastor and his wife had become submissive sexually to Ben’s dominant persuasion.
In addition, during the day, Ben was very affectionate with the Pastor’s wife, right in front of him, kissing her and fondling her breasts and ass as the Pastor excitedly watched. He occasionally gave her a good whack across her ass. The Pastor never objected. Ben was recognized by both as the alpha male in the house.
Ben realized he would need help in assembling the materials and building the shed, as well as taking care of several other projects around the house. There was a young man working at the lumber mill who had become kind of a surrogate son to Ben. His name is Thomas.
Thomas is a young African man, 18 years old from Ghana, West Africa. He shares a mobile home with two other African men. Unlike most African-Americans, Thomas and his roommates are not so much brown in color, but almost black, they are so dark. He is used to hard labor and has a very well-developed body, with powerful, muscular legs and arms, a flat belly and broad chest and shoulders. He stands almost six feet tall. He has a long scar across his right cheek from an altercation with another man when he was younger. Thomas had also been recently laid off and was just finding odd jobs to do for people in order to buy food and contribute toward the rental payments for the small mobile home the three Africans lived in.
Before inviting Thomas to join him at the Pastor’s home Ben felt he needed to obtain the Pastor’s permission. He is hesitant because, being in the south he knew there was widespread racial bias. He had even heard the Pastor and his wife use the “N” word from time to time. So he needed to feel them out to be sure he could convince them to let Thomas come and stay in their house for three or four weeks.
“Pastor, I need to speak with you and Samantha tonight after dinner. Are you available?”
“Yes Ben. How about 8 o’clock?”
“That’s good. I’ll let Sammie know.”
Ben had begun calling the Pastor’s wife by this nickname of affection Ben assigned to her. The Pastor felt shame that this man acted with such familiarity toward his wife. The Pastor only ever addressed her as “Samantha” or “Sister Jenkins”.
Ben made it a point to have a bottle of red wine available for dinner, which the Pastor and his wife had now become accustomed to having, although before Ben arrived it was only on rare occasions they would have a small glass of wine.
Between the three of them, they finished the bottle with no problem. So, everyone had a slight wine buzz.
“When we clear the table, let’s all sit down in the living room. There’s something I need to discuss with you.”
At that he gave Samantha a hug while squeezing her breast and gave her a deep kiss before slapping her on the rump with a loud “THWACK!”. Samantha responded with a short squeal. The Pastor was already becoming aroused as he couldn’t take his eyes off them.
Ben sat on the sofa and the Pastor sat on a chair opposite him as they made small talk. When Samantha had finished clearing the table and rinsing the dishes she joined them, sitting down on the sofa close to Ben and pulling her legs up onto the sofa, bending them underneath herself.
“I’ve mentioned before that I think it would be a good idea to build a shed for the garden equipment and to store some of the materials cluttering the garage.”
The Pastor:
“Yes. I think that’s istanbul travesti a good idea Ben. We definitely need one. What’s it gonna cost?”
“I think we should be able to do it for $500-600. I need to make a list of everything I’ll need, gather the materials and arrange for their delivery. I’ll also need someone to help me with this project as well as a few other projects around the house. I know a young man who has also been working at the lumber mill and was just laid off last week. I’ve known him for about a year and a half. He’s a very good worker, strong and knowledgeable, polite and very respectful. He’s about 18 I believe. Would you be OK with him staying here for three or four weeks?”
The Pastor:
“Well, I don’t see how we have the room, Ben. We only have the two bedrooms and one bathroom. I suppose he could sleep on the sofa, but it might be a bit awkward with our new sleeping arrangements.”
“I think the sofa would be fine for just a few weeks. As to our new sleeping arrangements, we’d need to suspend that while he’s here. So you would rejoin your wife in your bedroom and I would return to the guest room. There’ll be no outward displays of affection between Samantha and me while he’s here. He’d need to see our living arrangements as completely normal.”
“Well, of course. That makes perfect sense. After all, he’s just a young man. I’m old enough to be his mother!”
“Great! Well, there’s one more thing I need to tell you before you make your final decision. Thomas is a black man. Is that a problem for either of . . .”
The Pastor:
“Whoa Ben! You should have told me that first. The Lord directs that the races should not mix! I’ll never have a colored boy living under this roof! We have never had a black in our congregation. We are white. They are not. Out of the question!”
“The Pastor’s right, Ben. This is part of our faith. Those African people are closer to the animals. They even smell bad! I can’t imagine having one living here in the house with us!”
“I had a feeling that’s how you might respond. Here’s a few things to think about. And I want you to take a day to think about this before giving me your final answer.
Doesn’t the Bible teach we’re all descended from Adam and Eve?”
The Pastor:
“That’s true, but . . .”
“So we’re all really part of the human family Christ died for. Would you agree with that?”
The Pastor:
“Well, I can’t take issue with that. Many of them are Christian, but we’re not supposed to mix with them.”
“So, is there a scripture that tells you that?”
The Pastor:
“Well, I can’t think of one right off the bat, but it’s a common belief here in the south and people abide by it.”
“OK, I respect that. So, it’s really a choice, rather than a scriptural command. I want to tell you a few things about Thomas and then you can both sleep on it and we’ll talk again tomorrow night and you can give we your final answer.
“Thomas has become a kind of surrogate son to me. He left his parents back in Africa and came here by himself to try and make a life here and I’ve tried to help him. It’s been really hard for him here, especially livin’ in the south. I know he could really use the work and is an excellent worker. I don’t know anyone who works harder than Thomas. In addition, as I said before, he’s very polite and respectful. If you got to know him, I think you’d really like him.
“Here’s an idea. What would you think about me bringing him here, just for two days, to talk about the project and then he would leave if you want him to. I won’t promise him the work until you approve. I’ll just tell him I want to talk over the project with him for a few days here.
“If you don’t want him to come back, then he won’t. But if you do agree he can stay and help me, then I’ll make sure no one in your congregation ever finds out you have a colored man living in your home.”
(Ben had decided to add a penalty to a negative decision by them, seeing as they were both now enjoying a sexual fulfillment beyond anything either of them had ever known. And it was all due to Ben being there.)
“I should let you know one other thing. Thomas has become like family to me. If he won’t be welcome here, I’ll be leaving with him.
“All I ask is you both please wait on making your final decision until tomorrow night. I’ll respect your decision, whatever it is.”
“I don’t know Stewart [the Pastor]. I never imagined having one of them living here with us, even for a few weeks. But Ben has always been very honest with us, so I’m willing to sleep on it and make my decision after dinner tomorrow night. But I’m not feeling great about it.”
The Pastor:
“I agree with Samantha. If I had to make a decision right now, it would definitely be NO! But you’ve given us a few things to think about, so I’ll withhold my final decision until tomorrow. But don’t be too optimistic. If I agree travesti istanbul and any of my congregation finds out I’ll lose my job for sure.”
“Pastor, I’ll see it as my personal responsibility to be sure no one outside of the three of us will ever know. Another thing. Because this is such a big decision for both of you, I’m going to take the guest room tonight so the two of you can sleep together, and if you want to take a couple of nights before letting me know, that’s OK too. As I said before, if you agree to Thomas living here for a few weeks, we’ll all resume our normal routines we had at the beginning. I’ll take up the guest room and refrain from any affectionate gestures toward Samantha during his stay. And if you decide you won’t be comfortable with Thomas staying here, just let me know and we’ll be packing our bags. The two of you have been very good to me and I’ll completely respect your decision. But remember, we’re only talking about two to four weeks, and he’ll be gone.”
The Pastor:
“Fair enough Ben. You’ve been very honest with us from the beginning. We’ll let you know tomorrow night, but as I said, don’t be too optimistic. I think I already know what my decision will be, although I’d hate to see you go.”
“Good night Ben.”
“Good night Samantha.”
It seemed very strange to both Ben and Samantha not to be heading off to bed together. After the last three nights it was starting to become routine. It actually seemed strange to Samantha to be sleeping with her husband again.
Ben had a few things in his favor, hoping for a positive decision from both of them. On the one hand, he knew how much Samantha loved having sex with him, as well as his affectionate embraces and fondling during the day. He also knew how aroused the Pastor had become, first servicing Ben and then watching his wife in the throes of ecstasy with this older, virile man. It seemed the Pastor was really becoming addicted to it. Addicted to the humiliation, followed by the intense sexual arousal. By raising the possibility that this mutually satisfying arrangement may come to a sudden end, it put more weight on Ben’s side of the proposition. Anyway, he hoped it would.
In addition, when Ben first discovered the erotic cuckolding stories on the Pastor’s computer, he recalled that not a few of them involved a powerful black man cuckolding a white man with his white wife. As a matter of fact, if he recalled correctly, most of the stories Samantha had opened during the Pastor’s three week absence involved a white wife with a black man. It seemed as if those stories may have been her favorites. Perhaps the thought of an attractive, virile young black man in the house might even take things up a notch in the master bedroom. He headed off to the guest room hoping for a positive reception of his proposals by both of them.
The next evening, after dinner, they all returned to the living room in order for the Pastor and Samantha to give Ben their decision.
“OK. I did all the talking last night. Now it’s time for me to listen to you both.”
The Pastor:
“Samantha and I discussed this at length last night and also during the day today. We’ve decided, against my better judgment, to accept your proposal of a two day visit by Thomas. Just two days, Ben. If we feel comfortable with the arrangement, then he can stay for the time required to complete the projects. But, if for any reason, either of us feels uncomfortable with this arrangement I’ll tell you and he must leave within 24 hours. If you choose to go with him then we’ll say our goodbyes.”
“Yes. I agree with Stewart.”
“OK then. Thank you for making your decision. I’ll begin to make the arrangements.
“One other thing. I think it’d be best for us to begin our new living arrangements right away, so that we’re not making awkward or uncomfortable adjustments while he’s here. So, from now until Thomas leaves, I’ll continue using the guest room and refrain from any displays of affection toward Samantha in the daytime. It won’t be easy, but it’s the least I can do in exchange for your gracious offer for Thomas to stay here. During his stay, if either of you are uncomfortable with anything at all, please don’t hesitate to let me know so I can have at least one chance to fix it. Agreed?”
The Pastor:
The next day Ben made arrangements for Thomas to pack a bag and take the train to the small town where the Pastor and Samantha lived. He explained everything to Thomas, but nothing about his relationship with Samantha or the Pastor’s acceptance of it. Ben took the Pastor’s car and met Thomas at the station.
“Ben! Old good friend!”
They both hugged heartily and Ben threw his bag in the trunk.
Back at the house, istanbul travestileri both the Pastor and his wife were very apprehensive. Samantha’s hand was shaking as she dropped a glass of water on the floor and it shattered. All night long she had been visualizing over and over in her mind the erotic stories of white wives with black men she had been reading only a few weeks ago. She would recall every detail she could and become sexually aroused as she imagined them in real life. There were a few that were her favorites and she had read them several times, masturbating as she read them.
The Pastor actually had a dream that night of a strong, virile black African man taking his wife in a very dominant way as he watched them couple in sexual union, his wife crying out her joy and ecstasy. Ben’s suspicions were correct.
As the car pulled up to the house the Pastor and his wife just stared at each other. What had they gotten themselves into? As Ben and Thomas entered the house, he introduced them.
“Pastor Jenkins, Sister Jenkins, this is my good friend Thomas.”
Neither the Pastor nor his wife had ever seen a black man this black. Blacks they had seen in town were not near as dark as Thomas. They were looking at a real African. It took them a bit off guard. It wasn’t what they were expecting. The Pastor hesitantly extended his hand in greeting.
The Pastor:
“Welcome to our home Thomas.”
Samantha, noticing the long scar on his face, but his otherwise good looks and powerful body, extended her hand, slightly trembling:
“Yes, w. . welcome Thomas.”
She quietly gasped as she watched his large black hand fully and gently envelope her white flesh. His hand felt very warm and comforting.
The Pastor also took note of the incredibly stark contrast between Thomas’s large black hand and his wife’s white skin. He also noticed Thomas and his wife staring at each other as Thomas held her hand for a few seconds longer than he had the Pastor’s.
Thomas noticed they were both a bit nervous and flashed them a huge, ivory white smile and then bowed before them from his waist.
“Mr. Pastor sir and pastor lady, Thomas feel humble because your kindness and you want help Thomas. Me, Thomas, thank you berry berry much!! Thank you! Thank you! My friend Ben so nice and help me meet nice people.”
The Pastor was a bit taken aback by his size, at a little under six feet and around 180 pounds. He was certainly as fit as any man he had ever seen.
Samantha couldn’t help but admire his impressive body and beautiful smile. He was wearing blue jean cut-offs that were very short, just long enough to make him decent, as well as a T-shirt that had some stains and a pair of sandals. She stared for a moment at the well-formed, solid muscles in his calfs and thighs. He would flex them from time to time as he shifted on his feet. Likewise, his arms looked powerful and well-developed for such a young man.
The more she looked into his dark brown eyes she could sense a kind of self-assuredness and joy, which, coupled with his amazing smile she found captivating. For about five seconds their eyes locked on to each other while the Pastor and Ben spoke. She felt butterflies in her stomach. She smiled back at him and his smile grew a little broader. She was already starting to feel comfortable with him and even somewhat drawn to him. She sensed a kind of innocence of this young man, an immigrant, living in a strange country and his broken English.
The Pastor was still a bit apprehensive of this well-developed male before him, who seemed so confident in himself. But he too, couldn’t deny the effect Thomas’s huge smile had on him. It was hard not to like him immediately.
“Thomas, as I told you, we don’t have a private bedroom for you, but you can put your things in my room and when it’s time for bed you can sleep on the sofa here.”
“Thanking you so much Mr. Ben. You help Thomas always.”
Thomas clasped his hands as if praying and bent from the waist toward Ben, and then the Pastor and finally Samantha. As he raised back up he was staring at Samantha. Their eyes were locked together as before. Samantha felt at the same moment a kind of nervousness and also a kind of comfort, but quickly turned her head away. Both Ben and the Pastor had noticed this initial affinity between them.
During the day, and throughout the following day, Ben and Thomas had several discussions about the shed and some other projects at the kitchen table. Ben took notes and made drawings, asking for input from Thomas.
When they weren’t busy with planning the project, Thomas was helping Samantha with many things, even without her asking him. Carrying laundry baskets for her. Hanging clothes to dry on the line outside. Cleaning up the kitchen and the bathroom. Whatever she asked him to do he promptly accomplished and then found other ways to help on his own. He would occasionally look in on the Pastor in his office and ask him if he could bring him a coffee or something to eat. Neither the Pastor nor his wife could find any fault at all with Thomas. He was friendly, and as Ben had said, very polite and respectful. And a hard worker.
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