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This is a fictional story I thought of while I was driving from job to job, sometimes my wife came with me and we played little games during the drive to relieve boredom. I talked with a young man who drove his friend’s mother back and forth to work with him and thought this would be a good fictional story.
It was an hour drive to work for Martha. The drive was getting boring, as she has been working at the product distribution center for a national company for the last 13 years. She is the only woman in a staff of 55 persons. About 70 percent of the men have been there as long as or longer than her. Martha is the secretary to Walter the manager of the center. Her boss says she is the only sane person of the whole staff.
Martha is the sole breadwinner of the family since her husband was injured on the job 3 years ago. The insurance settlement they received for his injuries, paid off the house and gave them insurance for the rest of her husband’s life, but little else. She was lucky she had this job at the center, as she was a full time mother for their two boys who were 2 years apart for the first 15 years of their 28-year marriage. Hal, her husband must have just kissed her on their honeymoon. all her friends kidded her, as she immediately became pregnant.
Mark is one of her son’s friends who lived on the next block; he was hired out of college to work the computer system which wrote the orders at the center. He has been there a year presently, but until last month worked a different shift than Martha. They work 4 days on and 3 days off each week. It was a God sent Mark worked the same shift as she, as her 8 year old car with over 100,000 miles just died. She needed a ride to work, until she could afford to fix the car or buy a new one.
At 5’9 and 158 pounds Martha is not petite, but has a nice figure with large breasts, a slim waist and a rather large solid bottom, from all the years she sat behind a desk. Hal playfully calls it her secretary’s spread. Her brown hair is just off her shoulders and always combed neatly. Martha has green eyes you could get lost in. She is not playboy material, but a very sexy woman 56 years old who looks 40 years old. Even though she is very embarrassed to be seen in a workout outfit, Martha works out a few days a week at the gym the center provides their employees, to reduce her ‘secretary’s spread’ and stress. She was shy and doesn’t think she was very sexy anymore, because her husband has not paid much attention to her since his accident, even though there was nothing wrong with his sexual equipment.
When Martha asked Mark if he could give her a ride to work until she could resolve her car problem, he eagerly agreed to help her. The first week was uneventful, they talked about her sons and the adventures he participated in with them. By the end of the first week it was like Mark was her old friend and not young enough to be her son at 23 years old.
By Thursday night the subject turned embarrassingly for Martha to sex. Their shift ended on Thursday at 10:30 PM, due to the way the orders came in. By the time Mark dropped her off at home he could see Martha was submissive, also very shy, but was very horny by the way she rubbed her legs together and shifted in her seat all the way home, when the conversation turned to intimate details of her married life. Mark also noted she was attracted to him, by her body language. Good thing he paid close attention in psychology class, on the section about body language during college. He was going to use what he learned to see if he could loosen up Martha’s morals. He had a Fantasy which involved Martha since he was 12 years old.
The Couple worked around the house all weekend. Hal took care of the yard and home repairs, while Martha did the laundry and house cleaned. She couldn’t believe two people can accumulate so much laundry and dust. Hal couldn’t believe their house was always in need of repair either.
Mark picked up Martha at her home on Monday afternoon. During their hour ride they both agreed despite the great company each had in the car, the ride was boring. Mark said he would like to play a game on the way home from work. He said he would explain it to Martha in the car on the way home, as they were in the Center parking lot presently and only had a short time to get punched in.
It was almost 10:45 when Martha entered the car. She handed Mark an envelope with 45 dollars in it.
“What is this for?” Asked Mark.
“That is what it costs me to drive my car to work every week, so it is what I think is fair to give you.” Said Martha.
“I’ll tell you what we can do. Why don’t you play a game with me and you can keep the money. The game will be more interesting for both of us. I would rather play the game with you in lieu of the money anyway. It will relieve the boredom of the hour ride. It will be more fun for me. You will probably enjoy it more also?” Stated Mark smiling to cover his lack of confidence he Bayan Escort Gaziantep could get Martha to go along with the game, he was anticipating on playing with her.
“That sounds like fun, what type of game is it?” Asked Martha, thinking it was some type of guessing game.
“The game is you complying with what I ask you to do. You can refuse if you want to, I will not force you to do anything. Anything you do will be of your own free will and our secret.” He told her not looking at her because of his embarrassment.
Not quite comprehending what he was trying to say, Martha asked. “What type of things will you want me to do in the car?”
Mark cleared his throat and almost crocked. “I want you to ride home in just your panties tonight, but you can remain fully dressed from your waist up.”
Turning red and laughing as Martha thought he was kidding, she said. “I much rather give you $50 than do it and besides why would you want someone old enough to be your mother to ride home in just her panties?”
“I don’t want the money, but it is your free will you can call a cab to go home, if you like. I will drive you home, if you remove your slacks and put them in the back seat. This is what I want you to do for the rest of the week. Ever since I was a kid, I have fantasized of seeing you in your panties.” Stated Mark without looking at Martha he was too embarrassed to admit his fantasy.
Martha blushed at the left handed complement she received from Mark, but realized the car didn’t move, she knew Mark was serious. She thought about her options. Martha needed a ride to work for at least the next month. She was very shy, but felt she was not in control of the situation. Mark hoped her lack of control of the situation would stimulate her to do as he asked. This gave her the reason to do as asked, but afraid of where this would go. The older woman had no choice, Martha realized her panties covered more of her than most bathing suits do, She blushed, as she unbuttoned her slacks and slid them down. She tried to keep as much of her modesty as possible. She got them off her legs, but showed Mark the color of her panties and a few pubic hairs in the process. Martha bent down, picked up her slacks and threw them in the back seat.
It took Martha about a half hour to adjust to her exposure. She felt freer than she ever did before. Mark started to ask her more exploratory questions and she answered them, thus it gave Mark a better insight of her sexual nature. The hour drive flew by, when Mark told her to put her slacks back on she could feel moisture between her legs and could smell her arousal. She hoped Mark couldn’t detect her arousal. Mark stopped a few blocks from their neighborhood under a street light, so Martha could get dressed, when she got on her knees and turned her back side to him he could see a wet spot in the crotch of her panties, the outline of her nice plump vaginal lips, a few hairs sticking out from around the crotch of her panties, and he could smell her scent as an indication of her excited state. She put her slacks on and they continued on home Mark dropped her off at her door.
Martha was so excited, she ran into the house and went up to her bedroom to find her husband asleep, dead to the world. She knew from experience she couldn’t wake him up. She went back down stairs to the living room, she stripped naked lay down on the couch. Martha started to pleasure her breasts, she used both hands to rub them and pinch her nipples, just the way she likes her breasts manipulated. The nipples were like two large erasers in a short time. She moved one hand down her body and started to rub around the lips of her pussy; running one finger into her vaginal opening, it brought a sigh to her lips. By this time her clitoris peeked through its hood and Martha touched it with her finger, it brought a pleasurable moan to her lips. She touched her clit again and brought on the best orgasm she’s had in a long time. It took only a matter of minutes. She fell into a peaceful sleep on the couch.
“That wasn’t so bad to have to ride home in her panties, once she got over her humiliation.” Martha thought, as she went up to bed early in the morning.
Martha was very nervous when it was time for her to leave for work. Mark said, he wanted her in her panties all this week, so Martha picked out the most conservative pair she owned and put them on. After Mark picked up Martha he stopped at a bus stop about 6 blocks from Martha’s house.
“You can remove your slacks now.” Mark said.
“Mark too many people will see me in the daylight and I have to put the slacks back on before I go into work, how about I do as you ask at night only?” She blushed profusely Martha realized she offered to do as he asked, but at night.
“You’re correct someone may see you, so you can keep your slacks on during the drive to work.” Said Mark smiling at Martha and putting his hand on her upper thigh, she let his hand stay there as she liked the feeling.
Smiling, but a little nervous where he placed his hand Martha said. “Thank you, I will feel more comfortable riding with my slacks off in the dark.”
“Seeing we are playing this game only one way Martha, tonight you have to do something extra. The other option is for you to find another ride in to work; you think it is a fair tradeoff?” Smiled Mark.
Martha giving a little shutter, blushing, feeling her vaginal area getting wet her pussy constricting, and her nipples getting hard, even though not knowing what she will have to do says, “I guess I don’t have a choice, it will cost me too much money to get a cab back and forth to work.” She rationalized.
Off to work they went. Martha talked to Mark all the way to work without thinking about the coming humiliation she will endure tonight or the unknown extra he will ask of her.
The closer it got to quitting time, more nervous Martha became. She has only let her husband see her in her panties and naked, even when the boys were growing up Martha was very careful to protect her modesty in front of the children. Tonight she is going to let a young man, someone younger than her sons see her in her panties again. Martha is just going to have to be careful how she sits. She will have to keep her legs tightly closed tonight, as not to be humiliated and hide how excited this game is making her. She is taking comfort in the fact she has granny panties on tonight.
When Martha came out of the center Mark was in the car waiting for her, stopping at the ladies room to wipe her vagina, she was so wet thinking of being in Mark’s car with her slacks off. Martha applies some perfume to her pubic area to mask the scent of her arousal, before she could face Mark. She didn’t want to ruin the seats in his Lincoln Town car either, with her very moist vaginal opening. Martha entering the car, waiting to hear what extra Mark had in store for her tonight, on their way home.
Mark parked at the end of the parking lot, under a light standard and waiting for Martha to remove her slacks. She is removing her shoes and her slacks in short order. The older woman disappointing him when he sees she has on very modest type full cut panties, this is giving him an idea.
“As an extra I want you to remove your panties also tonight and ride home naked to the waist.” Said Mark.
Without saying a word in protest, Martha was so shocked she knew what she had to do, but it will take all her willpower to remove her panties. The panties were very difficult for Martha to remove, her thumbs were very difficult to control. She lifted her bottom off the seat and slid her panties to her knees. The panties caught on her foot and she had to twist toward Mark, to get them off. This gave Mark a good view of her moist hair covered vaginal opening, to confirm her pubic hair was just a shade darker than the hair on her head. Martha tossed the clothing over her right shoulder into the back seat by the door.
Sitting with her legs as tight together as she could she looked down in her lap and could see her pubic hair sticking up between her legs. This made her wet, as she thought about her exposed condition in the car. Mark could see her pubic hair every time they went by a street light and he could smell her arousal even with the perfume she put on to try to mask her scent. Every time she looked over at Mark, she blushed and could feel her nipples get harder by the minute.
During the journey home they talked about many subjects. Mark kept the dialog going to keep Martha’s mind off her undressed state. Martha became more at ease with her present state of dress Mark noticed, as she relaxed her legs and moved about more in the car. By the time they were near her house, as she talked to Mark she gave little thought of her exposed condition and unconsciously played with her pubic hair with her fingers. Mark pulled up to her house and had to tell Martha to get dressed. She went up onto her knees and retrieved her clothes, she gave Mark a great view of her rectum and vagina which gave him an erection immediately. His little head took over for the big head.
She pulled on her slacks and exited the car with her panties in her hand and put them in her purse when Mark asked. “Could I have your panties?”
Shocked, but very excited at the thought of a young man being interested in her used panties. She gave them to him. He put them to his nose inhaled deeply and says. “You don’t need to put on any perfume, you smell like a bouquet of flowers.”
Martha noticed the condition she was leaving Mark in she said, “Good night Mark.” She had a satisfied grin on her face as she exited the car.
Going into the house and up to bed she found her husband watching the late news on TV. She went into the bathroom, taking a shower and coming out of the Bathroom naked. She lay down next to her husband and him starting to play with her nipples and pussy. She turning so she was facing his penis, she took it into her mouth and starting to work it to full erection, as she felt his mouth on her vagina. He couldn’t believe how wet she is. Taking him only a couple of minutes to bring her to her first orgasm, then turning her around and inserting his cock in her vagina, starting slowly pumping into her as their arousal becomes more urgent, they are matching stroke for stoke their lovemaking. This is the first time making love in a month. They fell asleep spooning, Hal with his arms around his wife. Thinking how safe she feels at this time falling into a peaceful sleep.
Oversleeping, as she forgot to set the alarm, Martha got up leaving her husband still sleeping, taking a shower. She is out of the house with her hair wet and clothes in disarray. She will have to finish her makeup and hair in the car, on the way to work. This is unlike her. She would never leave the house in this condition before; she is getting very comfortable doing these personal things in the presents of Mark.
Mark thinks it is great to see Martha running out of the house in her condition. Her blouse half open and her hair wet. Mark driving and watching as she put herself together in the car. The ride for him was very exciting. Mark glancing her way, as she opens her slacks and pulling them down to arrange her top in her slacks, in just the right position
Martha explaining to Mark, “I didn’t want the top making unsightly bumps in my slacks.”
She is unbuttoning her top and fixing her bra in front of Mark, causing him to almost run off the road while he is watching her. This brings a laugh from Martha and a shutter she is so bold in front of this young man. They arriving at work just as Martha finishes her make up.
As they left the car Mark said, “No perfume tonight, please.”
Martha blushing, nodding her head in agreement, when arriving at the time clock many men were waiting for the clock to go to five minutes before the hour, as they can’t punch in before. Martha walking to the front of the line as she is salary and she can punch in as soon as she gets there, the men greeting her as she passes.
“How is everyone doing today?” She smiled to them as she went to the admin offices.
They all smiled at her and said in unison “GREAT” They were surprised she talked to them; she was so shy around the men on the floor most of the time, Martha usually only talked to them, if she needed information, or is required by her boss to get someone on the floor, to go to the admin office.
It was an average night nothing significant happed. Martha was the first to arrive at the car. The night dragged by she could not wait for the ride home. Martha was outside the car and waited, the car was locked. Mark came out on a run to the car, unlocked the door and opened the door for her to enter. She felt like a queen, the way he looked after her.
“Not many people have done this for me.” She said as she entered the car. She was startled to feel his hand on her bottom as she entered the car, under the cover he helped her in.
Mark entered the car and started the engine, pulled to the far end of the parking lot he stopped and Martha removed her slacks and panties, she threw her removed garments in the back seat.
As Mark started out of the parking lot he said. “How would you like to keep your clothes on for the next week?”
Martha was sitting with her legs tightly closed and playing with the tuft of pubic hair sticking between her legs. She finally said. “Sure it would be less stressful for me. What will I have to do?”
“I would like you to twist around and face me, lean back and spread your legs. There is a pillow in the back seat, you can use for your back.” He said without taking his eyes off the road, hoping he isn’t going to fast or she doesn’t smack him side of the head, for this last statement.
At hearing his statement, she was shocked and very turned on. Her nipples immediately became hard and she could feel her vagina moisten noticeably. Martha turned red from the top of her head, to the tip of her toes, she felt hot all over. She was thankful he didn’t threaten to have her find another way to work and home. She looked at him and he pleaded, with his eyes for her to comply. She reached in back of the car and took the pillow. Laid it on the door to the car and laid against it, with her legs tightly together, she twisted toward Mark. She Blushed and didn’t believe she was about to do as asked, she put one leg, on the seat tight to the back of the seat and only a few inches from Marks right arm. Opened her other leg as far as it would go, in the restraint of the front seat, she could feel the cool air on her pussy. Mark looked down at her exposed sex, when they went by a street light. Martha felt very exposed and horny. Mark could see her excitement, her pussy was wet. After about 15 minutes Martha became used to her exposure and they started to talk, as she absent-mindedly rubbed her vagina and played with her vaginal hair.
Toward the end of their ride home Mark asked, “How did you like being exposed in this way?”
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