Fluent In You

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I am fluent  In many languages  I communicate in many forms  By the shift of my tongue  The curve of my lips  As they mouth the words  Come to me  With an intonation  Specific to my melody  A harmonious call issued  A song of my heart  The singing of my body  Which I cannot control  When you are near To find words  That describe  The sounds that I emit  Fails  When your body speaks to mine  I Demetevler Escort fall to my knees  I want to taste each note  Take you in my mouth  Swallow every letter  And form new words  That maybe translates  The language that is you Sometimes  You strum  The tip of my pleasure  Pulling back its cover  To reveal its face  Otele gelen escort My heart flutters  Creating a beat  That reverberates through me  So loud  All that can be heard is  The falsetto of my desire  Which is so powerful  It shatters glass  Repeatedly When you drive deep  Within me  Hitting the chord  That centers Balgat Escort my being  You create the rhythm  That rocks me back and forth  A steady crescendo  That you direct  You compose  A wave of music crashes against me  Drowning out the cries  Of a world out of tune  I then ride the riffs  Enjoying a symphony  The variations of my own descent  I am left speechless  Eyes drawn shut  When the bass of your voice  Now staccato  Finally whispers in my ear  “I  Am  Fluent  In  You” *** ©AvrgBlkGrl, 2014. No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, mechanical, electronic, or used in any other fashion without the express prior written permission of the owner. This manuscript is specifically written for Lush Stories.

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